Video Episode #90 01/30/2025 [SELF-CARE][PLANNING] Your Face Hurts From Smiling😆 (self-care) and Holiday Debrief🥴
Self-care is figuring out what makes you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally taken care of, and then inserting that into your life as regularly as possible.
In this episode, I talk about the things big and small that I know I like because often they make my face hurt from smiling so hard: mahjong with friends, hiking with friends, dancing with friends. 😆😆😆
Then I walk you through a simple process for thinking about the holiday season to set you up for success in 8 months. That's right, October 1st is only 8 months away and you'll be WAY ahead of the game if you do this short debrief 🥴. Debriefing is kind of like planning in reverse!
Every minute of planning saves 10 minutes of doing and planning reduces stress and anxiety, so just do it!
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Rock Your Holidays: on self-care favorite stoic books
My favorite planner
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