Voter Advocacy with Sam Daley-Harris
Nothing gets people quite as heated as elections, be it a good or bad outcome. But this isn't an isolated American experience, as so many around me might assume. This year over 64 countries and around 2 billion people will have been eligible to take part in an election of some kind.
Welcome to the Just Dumb Enough Podcast. A show that acknowledges no one is always an expert, by dispelling misconceptions with real experts.
My guest today is Sam Daley-Harris. Sam has been lobbying for voter advocacy for over four decades, and loves to educate on how we can do better than electing a total stranger to represent us with no supervision. He'll teach how to ask for what you want, get meetings with these important people, and make sure your desires aren't drowned out by so much social noise.
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Let's have a say again.
Remember the difference between transactional advocacy and transformational advocacy. Don't just sign a form and hope for the best, make your voice heard.
That's it for this week! Have a great week, a great weekend, and I'll see you all back here next week for another new episode!
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Most importantly, Stay Dumb!