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You Might Also Like: The Ramsey Show

Update: 2024-09-261


This episode of The Ramsey Show features a diverse range of callers seeking financial advice on various topics. The show begins with Jacob, who is moving into his grandfather's home and plans to start farming and ranching. Dave advises him against investing in the property unless it's in his name, emphasizing the importance of clear ownership. Kimberly, a recently divorced stay-at-home mom, seeks guidance on paying off a credit card in her name that her ex-spouse is court-ordered to pay. Dave advises her to focus on increasing her income rather than paying off the debt immediately. The episode also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Total Money Makeover book and discusses the importance of refinancing student loans. Dave highlights the benefits of Why Refi, a company offering custom refinancing options with fixed rates. Other topics covered include car trade-ins, budgeting with irregular income, financing dental school, paying off debt with a million-dollar nest egg, and overcoming financial disorganization. Dave emphasizes the importance of intentional financial planning, budgeting, and setting clear financial goals. The episode also delves into the importance of relational IQ, shared finances in marriage, and the concept of a holistic approach to personal growth. Dave discusses Rabbi Daniel Lapin's new book, "The Holistic You," which emphasizes the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, including finances, faith, friendship, and fitness. The show concludes with advice on navigating finances during divorce, finding housing solutions, and overcoming debt after graduation. Dave encourages listeners to take action, seek professional help when needed, and prioritize financial stability and peace of mind.


Investing in Property and Financial Advice for New Ventures

The show begins with a caller seeking advice on investing in a property that is not in his name. Dave emphasizes the importance of clear ownership and advises against investing unless the property is in the caller's name.

Financial Challenges After Divorce and Strategies for Debt Management

A caller, recently divorced, seeks advice on paying off a credit card in her name that her ex-spouse is court-ordered to pay. Dave advises her to focus on increasing her income rather than paying off the debt immediately.

Total Money Makeover Anniversary and Student Loan Refinancing

Dave celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Total Money Makeover book and discusses the importance of refinancing student loans. He highlights the benefits of Why Refi, a company offering custom refinancing options with fixed rates.

Car Trade-Ins and Financial Guidelines for Vehicle Purchases

A newly married caller asks about the best time to trade in his car. Dave emphasizes paying cash for cars, avoiding new vehicles unless you have substantial wealth, and keeping the total value of vehicles under half your annual income.

Budgeting with Irregular Income and Prioritizing Spending

A business owner with an irregular income struggles to create a budget. Dave suggests using the EveryDollar app and prioritizing spending based on estimated income. He emphasizes that the issue is not a budgeting problem but an income problem.

Financing Dental School and Exploring Financial Aid Options

A prospective dental student seeks advice on financing his education. Dave recommends finding the cheapest dental school, exploring scholarships, and considering working for the school to receive free tuition.

Paying Off Debt with a Million Dollar Nest Egg and the Benefits of Being Debt-Free

A 65-year-old millionaire seeks advice on whether to pay off his vehicles and home using his IRA. Dave strongly encourages him to do so, emphasizing the benefits of being debt-free and the emotional freedom it brings.

Live Like No One Else Cruise and Addressing Business Challenges

Dave promotes the Live Like No One Else cruise and discusses a caller's situation with his business owner friend who hasn't been paying him. Dave advises the caller to have a direct conversation with the owner and set clear boundaries.

Addressing Husband's Spending Habits and the Importance of Marriage Counseling

A caller seeks advice on her husband's excessive spending and refusal to budget. Dave strongly recommends marriage counseling and an ultimatum to address the issue. He emphasizes the importance of respecting each other's viewpoints and making financial decisions together.

Saving for Entrepreneurship and Car Purchase: Prioritizing Transportation

A college student seeks advice on whether to buy a car or save for his entrepreneurial endeavor. Dave encourages him to buy the car, emphasizing the importance of transportation and the ability to see family and friends.

Construction Business Debt and Financial Management Strategies

A construction business owner is struggling with debt and a lack of financial management. Dave advises him to liquidate assets, start over, and seek help from an entrepreneurial leadership coach.

Getting Spouse on Board with Financial Goals and Leading with the "Why"

A new father seeks advice on getting his wife on board with his financial goals. Dave suggests leading with the "why" behind his desire to change their financial situation and painting a vision for their future.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin's New Book and the Holistic Approach to Personal Growth

Dave discusses Rabbi Daniel Lapin's new book, "The Holistic You," which emphasizes the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, including finances, faith, friendship, and fitness. He highlights the importance of a holistic approach to personal growth.

The Importance of Relational IQ and the Five Fundamentals

This segment discusses the importance of relational IQ in addition to academic achievements. A story is shared about a highly accomplished student who struggled to find a job due to her lack of social skills and interests outside of academics. The concept of the "five fundamentals" (family, finance, faith, fitness, and friendships) is introduced as a framework for a well-rounded life.

Shared Finances in Marriage and the Importance of Financial Unity

The discussion shifts to the importance of couples sharing their finances. Rachel Cruz's controversial stance on combined finances is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of financial unity in marriage. The analogy of sharing a bed and a bank account is used to illustrate the interconnectedness of these aspects of a relationship.

Why Shared Finances are Crucial for Marriage and the Importance of Teamwork

The segment delves deeper into the reasons why shared finances are essential for a successful marriage. It explores the different ways men and women typically relate to money, highlighting the importance of teamwork and unity in financial decision-making. The segment also touches upon the potential consequences of financial instability on a man's sexual identity.

Aligning Finances with Life Goals and the Importance of Shared Vision

The conversation emphasizes the importance of aligning financial decisions with overall life goals. It highlights the need for couples to be on the same page regarding their health, parenting styles, and other aspects of their lives. The segment suggests that those who resist this approach may be disconnected from their essential feminine or masculine natures.

Work-Life Balance: Beyond Spreadsheets and the Importance of Intentional Financial Planning

The segment briefly touches upon the concept of work-life balance, but it's quickly dismissed as a simple spreadsheet exercise. The focus shifts to the importance of intentional financial planning and budgeting, emphasizing the need to tell your money what to do instead of wondering where it went.

Overcoming Financial Disorganization and Gaining Control Over Finances

A caller shares her struggle with financial disorganization despite a high income. The hosts emphasize the importance of budgeting and using tools like EveryDollar to track expenses and gain control over finances. The caller's situation highlights the common problem of not knowing where money goes, leading to a sense of being overwhelmed and out of control.

Intentional Financial Planning with Bonuses and Avoiding Unplanned Spending

The caller discusses her husband's upcoming monthly bonuses and her desire to manage them intentionally. The hosts encourage her to incorporate the bonuses into their budget and avoid letting them disappear into unplanned spending. The segment emphasizes the importance of being intentional with all income, not just bonuses.

Budgeting for Irregular Income and Using EveryDollar to Track Expenses

The segment provides guidance on budgeting for irregular income, specifically focusing on the challenges of tracking expenses and creating a plan when income fluctuates. The hosts recommend using EveryDollar to track spending and create a budget based on average income and expenses.

Setting Financial Goals and Sticking to the Plan for Financial Success

The hosts encourage the caller to set specific financial goals, such as paying off a truck in a certain timeframe. They emphasize the importance of creating a budget together, sticking to the plan, and giving themselves grace as they learn to manage their finances effectively.

Navigating Finances During Divorce and Building an Emergency Fund

A caller shares her experience of going through a divorce and her desire to save for a home. The hosts advise her to focus on building an emergency fund and consider buying a home with a smaller down payment if she can't qualify for an apartment. They also address the misconception that she needs two years of W2s to rent an apartment.

Finding Housing Solutions During Divorce and Being Proactive with Landlords

The hosts address the caller's difficulty finding an apartment and suggest that she may need to speak directly with management to explain her situation. They emphasize the importance of being proactive and presenting her financial stability to potential landlords. The segment also reinforces the idea that buying a home may be a viable option if she has the down payment and meets other financial criteria.

Overcoming Debt After Graduation and Taking Action to Achieve Financial Stability

A caller shares her financial situation after graduating with a doctorate and having significant debt. The hosts acknowledge the overwhelming nature of her debt and suggest that she may need to make difficult decisions, such as selling assets, to get back on track. They emphasize the importance of taking action and seeking professional help to navigate this challenging situation.


Holistic You

A new book by Rabbi Daniel Lapin that emphasizes the interconnectedness of different aspects of life, including finances, faith, friendship, and fitness. It encourages a holistic approach to personal growth and well-being.

Relational IQ

The ability to build and maintain healthy relationships, characterized by empathy, communication, and social skills. It's essential for success in personal and professional life.

Five Fundamentals

A framework for a well-rounded life encompassing family, finance, faith, fitness, and friendships. It emphasizes the importance of balancing these areas for overall well-being.

Shared Finances

A financial approach where couples combine their income and expenses, promoting financial unity and teamwork in decision-making. It can strengthen relationships and foster a sense of shared responsibility.

Intentional Financial Planning

A proactive approach to managing finances by setting goals, creating a budget, and making conscious decisions about spending and saving. It involves telling your money what to do instead of wondering where it went.


A budgeting app that helps users track expenses, create a plan, and achieve financial goals. It provides a visual representation of spending and helps users make informed financial decisions.

Why Refi

A company that offers custom refinancing options for student loans, providing fixed rates and potentially lower monthly payments.

Baby Steps

A step-by-step financial plan developed by Dave Ramsey, designed to help individuals achieve financial freedom. It involves building an emergency fund, paying off debt, investing for retirement, and building wealth.


  • What are some key things to consider when deciding whether to invest in a property that is not in your name?

    It's crucial to ensure the property is in your name to avoid potential complications and ensure you have ownership rights. Relying on promises of future ownership can be risky and lead to financial losses.

  • How can you budget effectively when your income is irregular?

    Use a budgeting app like EveryDollar to track your expenses and prioritize spending based on estimated income. Create a list of essential expenses and allocate funds accordingly.

  • What are some strategies for paying for dental school?

    Explore the cheapest dental schools, research scholarships, and consider working for the school to receive free tuition.

  • What are the benefits of paying off debt, even if you have a substantial nest egg?

    Being debt-free provides peace of mind, reduces financial stress, and allows you to focus on growing your wealth. It also eliminates the burden of interest payments and frees up cash flow for other financial goals.

  • How can you get your spouse on board with your financial goals?

    Lead with the "why" behind your desire for change, explaining your fears and motivations. Paint a vision for your future and show them how achieving your goals can benefit the entire family.

  • What is the importance of relational IQ in addition to academic achievements?

    Relational IQ, or the ability to build and maintain healthy relationships, is crucial for success in both personal and professional life. It complements academic achievements by fostering social skills, empathy, and communication, which are essential for navigating the complexities of life and work.

  • Why is it important for couples to share their finances?

    Sharing finances in a marriage promotes financial unity and teamwork, allowing couples to make decisions together and support each other's financial goals. It fosters a sense of shared responsibility and strengthens the relationship by eliminating financial secrecy and potential conflicts.

  • How can I overcome financial disorganization despite having a high income?

    Creating a budget and using tools like EveryDollar can help you gain control over your finances. By tracking your expenses and making intentional decisions about spending and saving, you can move from a state of financial disorganization to one of financial clarity and control.

  • What are some tips for managing irregular income?

    Create a budget based on your average income and expenses, using tools like EveryDollar to track your spending. Be prepared to adjust your budget as your income fluctuates, and prioritize essential expenses while minimizing discretionary spending.

  • What are the benefits of intentional financial planning?

    Intentional financial planning allows you to set goals, make informed decisions about your money, and achieve financial freedom. It involves taking control of your finances, telling your money what to do, and working towards a future where you are financially secure and able to pursue your dreams.

Show Notes

Introducing THIS Is How You Become A Millionaire In America Today from The Ramsey Show.

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Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:

  • "Should I improve the property that I'm renting from my family?"

  • "Should I wait for my ex to pay off debt in my name that he was court ordered to pay?"

  • How to know if you should keep repairing a vehicle or if it's time to upgrade

  • "How do I use EveryDollar with irregular income?"

  • A caller that finds out on air that he's finally a millionaire

  • "My boss hasn't paid me the last three pay checks but I'm concerned the company will go under if I leave"

  • "I have $360k in debt, just found out I'm having a baby, and I don't know what to do"

  • Rabbi Daniel Lapin joins to discuss his new book, The Holistic You

  • "I'm restarting my life after a divorce - can I afford to put 10% down on a house?"

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