Discover2 and a PossibleYou down with O.P.P.?
You down with O.P.P.?

You down with O.P.P.?

Update: 2023-07-23


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In this week's episode, the following topics are discussed in order

  • Are you telling your friend their significant other is cheating? (0:35 )
    • If you give the cheater a chance to come clean they will undermine your credibility with your friend to try and save themselves (1:50 )
  • If your friend finds out they getting cheated on and you knew then they are very likely to be mad at you for not sharing that information with them (4 :08) 

  • Man tells his friend that the friend's wife is cheating on him and the husband kills his wife.   (5:20 )
    • Who is responsible?  and would you feel guilty if you told and those were the results that occurred? 
    • Everyone in that situation lost (7:30 )
  • Other people's business
    • Bystander tried to save a woman in a domestic incident and the boyfriend shoots the intervener and then the couple drives off  (10:04
    • Bystander intervenes to save a woman from abuse and the victim took the abuser's side and turned on the savior when the police came (12:50 )
    • I would love to think I'm the type of person who will do the right thing but sometimes you gotta worry about self-preservation (13:38 )
    •  Went downtown saw a shady situation and wanted to save the day but also didn't want to get involved in a situation we can't get out of (15:27 )
    • The rules of the game change depending on who is playing (16:50 )
    • The situation may have been innocent but it's hard to determine that out of context in a split-second interaction (17:58 )
  • All money ain't good money (19:00 )
    • It may not be worth the effort to obtain it (if it costs your peace of mind it's too expensive) (21:30 )
    • For the right bag, there are some things I will sell out for (23:10 )








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End of Episode

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120 Minutes

You down with O.P.P.?

You down with O.P.P.?

Jimmy & Treble