Your First Rheumatology Appointment: What to Expect
The lead-up to your first rheumatology appointment can be a little scary or overwhelming, if you don't know what to expect. What will your rheumatologist be like? What tests will they want to run? Are they going to push a certain medication onto you? But it can also be the start of something amazing and that's the focus of this podcast.
In this episode, I look at what the process is like for getting an ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis, why you don't need to be scared in the slightest and how to best prepare yourself. While I give my experience with getting a diagnosis for ankylosing spondylitis (which I have), the principles I describe are similar for any autoimmune disease.
✔️ What to expect from your first appointment
✔️ Getting into the best possible mindset
✔️ How to prepare so that you get the most out of it
As ever for more info head to the Gut Heroes website: 🔗
Disclaimer: Please note, this is for informational purposes only. Gut Heroes does not offer medical advice. We are all different and what works for me may not work for you. I setup Gut Heroes to share information with you. To shine a light on my own personal discoveries (as I currently understand them) and to help you with your own personal research.