主播:Anne(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)
歌曲 :Turn the Page
现代社会,睡眠已经成了一大难题。A lot of people have sleeping issues. 很多人会stay up late(熬夜),也有一些人have trouble falling asleep(入睡困难),有的人甚至会stay up all night(睁眼到天明)。当然,也有很多年轻人会选择报复性熬夜(revenge bedtime procrastination)。
procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 延迟,拖延
01 睡眠有多重要
Best nootropic: sleep(最能提高你大脑认知能力的药物就是睡眠)
Best stress relief: sleep(最好的解压手段就是睡眠)
Best immune booster: sleep(最能提升免疫力的方式还是睡眠)
Best emotional stabilizer: sleep(最佳情绪稳定器依然是睡眠)
This post really sums up the importance of sleep. 这篇文章确实总结了睡眠的重要性。总之,就是一句话:睡饱睡足比啥都重要。
聊到睡眠的重要性,不得不提的就是sleep debt(睡眠债)。
你睡不够的那些时间,并不会凭空消失,just like debt,they add up over time(它们会累积起来),最后it can really have a negative impact on your health(它真的会对你的健康产生负面影响)。
If you miss one hour of sleep every night, you have seven hours of sleep debt in just one week. 那周末补觉不就都补回来了?大错特错!According to research, it takes four days to fully recover from one hour of lost sleep. 缺一个小时的觉,需要四天来完全恢复。
02 到底怎样才能实现“睡眠自由”?
# Tip 01
You should check for any sleep disorders. 检查一下你是否有睡眠障碍。
insomnia 失眠症
sleep apnea 睡眠呼吸暂停症(症状是you stop breathing during sleep)
如果说你正在经历着snoring(打鼾),feeling sleepy during the day(白天嗜睡)or having very poor sleep(睡眠非常差),可以考虑去医院检查一下是不是有sleep apnea。
# Tip 02
You should go outside and view sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking up in the morning, and before sunset in the late afternoon. 你要在醒来以后的半小时到一小时以内,以及在临近日落的时候,出门去看看阳光。
It doesn’t mean that you should look at the sun directly(并不是直视太阳),just looking at things in the sunlight is fine.
<blockquote style="font-size:14px;margin:10px 0px;color:rgb(102, 102, 102);border-left:5px solid rgb(232, 232, 232);p在晴天的时候,try to view sunlight for at least 10 minutes,如果是阴天的话,double the time,看20分钟。Glasses,contact lenses(隐形)都是可以的,but do not wear sunglasses(墨镜),并且尽量不要stay in the shade(待在阴凉地里)。而且还要注意,you can’t look at sunlight through the windows(不要透过窗户看阳光),因为窗户会过滤掉很大一部分的蓝光的波段。
一天两次看阳光的时间timing很关键。When you view sunlight, the closer it is to sunrise and sunset, the better. 跟日出和日落的时间越接近越好。其实也就是印证了那句古训,“日出而作,日入而息”。