

Update: 2024-10-17


 主播:Flora(中国)+ Erin(美国)

 歌曲:Double Trouble

我们今天来聊聊最近在全球重映的魔法题材系列电影——Harry Potter。

It has captured the hearts of millions worldwide (俘获了全世界数百万人的心). Even now, with the re-release (重映) of the films, fans—both old and new—are flocking to (涌向) cinemas to relive the magic (重温). 

前几天Flora订票的时候发现Harry Potter的放映厅位置爆满。You really had to scramble to get the best seats (抢最佳观影位置) for the movie!

It’s the same thing in the U.S. Erin knows a lot of people would seat in theaters for hours on end, watch like an entire marathon of the movies (很多人会在影院里一坐就是几个小时,就像看一整部马拉松式的电影一样). So Today, we’re breaking down the top reasons (首要原因) why Harry Potter remains so beloved.

01. The relatability of its characters 角色的亲和力

They’re real, flawed (有缺点的), and far from perfect. 让人觉得没有距离感。In fact, there are actually a lot of movies and TV shows that simplify (简化) the characters and their emotions.

We see them deal with everyday problems, especially as teens and young adults. They aren’t portrayed (被描绘) as overly mature (过度成熟)—they are as messy and unsure as we were at their age.

And it perfectly reflects the everyday challenges that we face as teenagers. From Harry’s insecurities (不安全感) to Hermione’s perfectionism (完美主义) and Ron’s feelings of inadequacy (不自信), these are issues we’ve all faced.

相信这些是大家经历过的事情,所以我们很容易resonate with them(与他们产生共鸣)。That authenticity (真实性) makes us connect with them on a personal level.

02. A magical world intertwined with reality 与现实交织的魔法世界

Another reason the series feels so magical is how the wizarding world (魔法世界) is intertwined (交织) with our own. It’s not some completely distant, far-off place. Instead, the magical world runs parallel to our reality (与现实平行).

This makes a lot of kids believe in Hogwarts (霍格沃茨) even more. 所以很多孩子到了11岁的时候会期待收到来自Hogwarts的录取通知。

It seems like magic could actually be hidden around the corner. You can almost imagine bumping into (撞见) a wizard in Diagon Alley (对角巷) or stumbling onto (偶然发现) Platform 9¾ (9¾站台) at King’s Cross (国王十字). That connection makes it feel closer and more real.

03. Distinctive school divisions 独特的学院划分

In fact, Hogwarts itself is another huge draw (巨大的吸引力). 他们没有按照教授的内容去划分学院,而是按照学生的traits and characteristics(特征和特性)。It is unlike traditional magical schools at all.

Gryffindors (格兰芬多) are known for their bravery, Ravenclaws (拉文克劳) for their intelligence, Hufflepuffs (赫奇帕奇) for their loyalty, and Slytherins (斯莱特林) for their ambition. It’s not just about learning magic—it’s about belonging to a group that reflects who you are.

找到一个属于你的群体会帮你建立a sense of belonging(一种归属感)。Wherever in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff or Slytherin, you will all find a place where you belong.

Fans love imagining which house they’d be sorted into (被分到哪个学院). It’s more than (不仅仅是) just a school; it’s a home where your values and traits are recognized and celebrated (这是一个让你的价值观和特质得到认可和庆祝的家). Anywhere on the internet that mentions Harry Potter, you see people discussing what house they are.

Flora did a Personality Test-Which Hogwarts House Are You in (你在哪个霍格沃茨的学院里)?

Basically, you need to do some multiple choice questions (多选题) where you'll get points for each option, and at the end you'll need to add up the points. 一个分数区间会对应一个霍格沃茨学院。

大家如果对这个测试感兴趣也可以去搜一下:Which Hogwarts House Are You in? If you're interested in MBTI 16 personality, you must be very much the same with this one.

04. The stunning visuals 令人惊叹不已的视觉效果

Like Gloucester Cathedral (格洛斯特大教堂——位于英格兰南部的格洛斯特郡) and Alnwick Castle(阿尼克城堡——位于英格兰东北部的诺森伯兰郡), it makes them even more special.

These places are not just CGI (computer-generated imagery)—they have history, depth, and character. This makes them more relatable and appealing. 

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