irp Podcasts

Best irp podcasts available (Last Updated May 2024)







IRP 1 - Media 3 Podcast (Zaara Khan):ZAARA KHAN

IRP 1 - Media 3 Podcast (Zaara Khan)

This is my IRP 1


Poverty Research & Policy:Institute for Research on Poverty

Poverty Research & Policy

The Poverty Research & Policy Podcast is produced by the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) and features interviews with researchers about poverty, inequality, and policy in the United States.


In Rhythm Sports Podcast:IRP

In Rhythm Sports Podcast

Will and Graham In Rhythm with the facts talking sports, pop culture, and life. Enjoy.


Independent Research Project:Ginger

Independent Research Project



Exploring the mind of a killer:Exploring the mind of a killer

Exploring the mind of a killer

Crime and punishment IRP project Cover art photo provided by niu niu on Unsplash:


Speaking of Science:The Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Speaking of Science

Known for its synergistic approach to biomedical science, the Intramural Research Program (IRP) is the internal research program of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). With 1,100 Principal Investigators and more than 4,000 Postdoctoral Fellows conducting basic, translational, and clinical research, the IRP is the largest biomedical research institution on earth. Its mission is science in pursuit of fundamental knowledge about living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend healthy life and reduce illness and disability throughout the world. In the IRP's new podcast, Speaking of Science, you will meet many of the federal researchers working to change lives by advancing all aspects of biomedicine.


PolSoc Pod:Northumbria PolSoc

PolSoc Pod

A podcast by two International Relations and Politics (IRP) students at Northumbria University Newcastle discussing their takes on current affairs, for politicos and non-politicos alike! Get involved with the debate using the hashtag #PolSocPod and follow us on Twitter (@PolSocPod) and Instagram (@northumbriapoliticssociety)!


IRP Journal Podcast:IRP Journal

IRP Journal Podcast

IRP Journal Podcast where Independent Research Providers discuss their views on asset allocations, capital markets, fundamentals, technicals and the macro economy.


Istituto di Ricerca Pediatrica Città della Speranza:Città della Speranza

Istituto di Ricerca Pediatrica Città della Speranza

L’Istituto di Ricerca Pediatrica Città della Speranza (IRP) è un centro di eccellenza nella medicina pediatrica e nella ricerca scientifica. Le sue principali aree di ricerca sono: l’oncologia pediatrica, la medicina rigenerativa, la nanomedicina, la genetica e le malattie rare, l’immunologia e la medicina predittiva. L’Istituto adotta un approccio multidisciplinare unico che integra conoscenze della biomedicina, della bioingegneria, della biochimica e della scienza dei materiali. Coopera inoltre con ospedali universitari e istituti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali; fornisce a studenti


Liaisons Sociales:Lamy Liaisons

Liaisons Sociales

Se tenir informer de l’actualité du droit social et des RH : c’est ce que vous propose la chaîne Liaisons Sociales animée par les rédactions Liaisons Sociales et Lamy, composées de journalistes spécialisés. Les sujets abordés par ces podcasts portent sur l’actualité sociale et des ressources humaines. Ils sont destinés aux professionnels des RH, aux syndicalistes et représentants du personnel, aux juristes en droit social, aux experts... Ils traitent de droit social et de gestion des ressources humaines, à travers des questions liées à l’emploi, au dialogue social, aux conditions de travail, aux relations individuelles, à la protection sociale, à la santé sécurité au travail, à la formation professionnelle, à la rémunération… L’épisode « 3 minutes de social » revient, chaque vendredi, sur les informations marquantes de la semaine qui ont été décryptées/analysées sur notre site ( L’actualité sociale est rythmée par des lois, des décrets, des jurisprudences, des accords collectifs... Au-delà de leur contenu, quel en est le contexte ? C'est la question à laquelle répond "Les coulisses du social", notre podcast dans lequel plusieurs journalistes reviennent sur un évènement d'actualité. Liaisons‑ ( est le 1er site d’actualités RH et sociales dédié à l’accompagnement juridique des entreprises. C’est le site de référence pour tous les acteurs RH (DRH, RRH, DG, juristes en droit social, paye, IRP). Avec ses 9 revues d’actualités et ses 22 ouvrages, (  regroupe l’intégralité des titres de la gamme sociale Lamy et Liaisons Sociales. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.


Irp Snerple The Pleiadian Dragon Show <3:PleiadianDragon

Irp Snerple The Pleiadian Dragon Show <3


Institute for Research on Poverty Podcasts:Institute for Research on Poverty

Institute for Research on Poverty Podcasts

Podcasts from UW–Madison’s Institute for Research on Poverty. These podcasts are based on interviews with poverty researchers and others about both national- and state-level issues about poverty and inequality. IRP is one of three National Poverty Research Centers sponsored by the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For more information on IRP and on its research initiatives, please visit


AJC Radio Spotlight:AJC Radio Spotlight

AJC Radio Spotlight

Bringing the Message of Justice Around the World


Brain Experts Podcast:National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Brain Experts Podcast

Welcome to the Brain Experts podcast from the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) Intramural Research Program (IRP), where we meet neuroscience experts and talk about their work, the field in general, and where it’s going.


For the Redefined:Patience Marie

For the Redefined

This is For the Redefined! Patience Marie is here to start an honest conversation about Christ, life and everything in between. She's come to encourage the people that want to pivot in any way - career, mindset, religion, etc. Patience is sugar, spice and everything nice (sometimes lol). The goal is to tap in to your best self, discuss honest life experiences, and even get a good laugh! There will be goals and tips for anyone wanting to go the extra mile! Always speaking in love and truth. Book FREE 1:1 ⬇️ with me!Tik Tok - Instagram  - - Rap Playlist -


A Just Cause: Bringing The Message of Justice Around The World:AJC Radio

A Just Cause: Bringing The Message of Justice Around The World

Bringing Education, Information, and Awareness about the Judicial Process to the airwaves. America needs to understand the injustices occurring in the United States' Judicial System.


Historias dun país en guerra:Radio Galega

Historias dun país en guerra

Desde que comezou a ofensiva rusa en Ucra&iacute;na, cidades enteiras foron destru&iacute;das e preto de seis mill&oacute;ns de persoas convert&eacute;ronse en refuxiadas, provocando o maior &eacute;xodo rexistrado en Europa desde a II Guerra Mundial. As autoridades ucra&iacute;nas denuncian os ataques indiscriminados contra a poboaci&oacute;n civil perpetrados por Rusia e investigan como crimes de guerra os saqueos, asasinatos e violaci&oacute;ns rexistrados en Mari&uacute;pol, Ivankiv, Bucha, Hostomel ou Irp&iacute;n. Desde que comezou a guerra, a Radio Galega ofreceu a diario testemu&ntilde;os de v&iacute;timas desta guerra, que agora compilamos neste podcast, elaborado por Nuria L&oacute;pez. Eles e elas son as protagonistas destas &apos;Historias dun Pa&iacute;s en Guerra&apos;

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