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Motus Rx Audio Experience

Author: Eric Wallace, DPT

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Thoughts, experiences, and interviews to help you ease aches and pains and empower yourself to move confidently without medications or surgeries so that you can smash PRs, over-perform at work, and perform the sports and hobbies that help you get the most out of life.
57 Episodes
In this first episode of our local spotlight series - Steve sits down with Cole Boge, owner of Ultimate Sports Weekend. They discuss his business and its mission. In addition, you will get to hear about a functional fitness awards show Cole is hosting here in Appleton, WI towards the end of January. Steve makes a challenge to Cole towards the end of the show that will help raise money for charity.
Who Am I To You?

Who Am I To You?


Who would've thought a yearly golf outing would leave our expert Physical Therapist, Dr. Eric, unable to get out of his car due to severe back pain? Yet alone, lead to his passion for golf performance. Tune in to learn how Dr. Eric got into golf and started specializing in the biomechanics of the sport. Show notes: 2/Week every Mon./Fri. at 1:00, join our Adult Golf Performance Classes (1st class is free): FREE Golf Pain Relief Tips: Golf Mobility Program:
It is common, at some point throughout your play, to slice the golf ball. When we slice, the club path starts outside and comes in. Throughout this process, the club face is left open. This results in the ball starting left and spraying right.  It can be irritating when the ball continually keeps going in an unwanted direction that is adding strokes to each hole.  But what is actually causing your club path to start outside and come in?  You may not be driving into your front leg enough to clear your hips, you may not be getting enough side bend, or you do not have enough trail arm rotation. To learn more about how you can stop slicing the ball and gaining consistency in your swing, tune in to our latest podcast, "Top 3 Reasons You Are Slicing." Show Notes: Website: Free TPI Screen: Free Golf Mobility Program:
When it comes to rotation in for the golf swing, there are four crucial zones that will ensure you are exerting maximal power through impact: 1. Hips 2. Shoulders 3. Neck 4. Mid Back You must be able to be mobile and understand how to properly move your body efficiently through these four zones. First, you have to assess your  your mobility in these zones. When doing so, keep in mind you need mobility in BOTH directions. What is done on the left must be done on the right to complete rotation through impact.  If you can equalize your left and right mobility in these four zones, you will set yourself up to have one of the most efficient swings and generate as much turn as you desire for your golf swing. Take a listen and discover how you can better rotate through impact. Show Notes: FREE Golf Performance Mobility Program: FREE Titleist Performance Screen: Website:
In this podcast we sit down with Derek LaBonte, owner of Packerland CrossFit in Green Bay. We pick his brain about all things crossfit, fitness, and living a balanced lifestyle. He shares his & Packerland's core beliefs and how they have impacted his athletes, coaches, and gym. These include nutrition, sleep, meaningful relationships, mindset, and training.  Show notes: Email Derek: Instagram: @packerland_crossfit Facebook: Packerland CrossFit 9 Tips to Bulletproof Your Body:
What to hit it farther?  Swing easier, BUT faster?  Want to literally never get seriously injured on the course again? Today we're talking power, what it means, and why you need it... Top 3 Things That Power Gives You 1.  Distance 2.  Higher Cruising Speed 3.  Injury Prevention! Show Notes: FREE Golf Performance Programming: FREE E-Book - 7 Golf Tips to Ease Pain and Swing Easier: Website:
As golf offseason begins, are you looking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your training? Do you feel like you are getting the most out of your practices? These are all things to consider when preparing for this offseason. It is our mission to give our golfers the resources they need to take their game up a let's talk practice When you prioritize block vs random practice?  Do you know the difference between the 2? Be sure to tune in to our latest podcast to find out the difference. Show Notes: Check out our website: Claim our FREE E-book: Check out our blog:
Ever wondered if you truly NEED knee surgery? Because let's be real, how accurate are one of those MRI machines and is it truly getting the WHOLE picture? These are questions anyone who has experienced knee pain, or been told they need surgery has thought at least once. Curious what research has to say about this? Be sure to tune won't want to miss out on this one. Show Notes: Website: Knee E-Guide: Sick of your knee pain and want to find out what is going on? Schedule your Complimentary Visit at
THIS JUST IN: Dr. Eric Wallace falls victim to the most popular shoulder frustration.  What a coincidence it is? Your local physical therapist experiences the same shoulder complications he most commonly treats. Funny how that works. Be sure tune in to this podcast to reveal what the most common reason why you will have shoulder pain and not know it yet. Show Notes: Website: Shoulder Ebook: 7 Tips To Relieve Your Shoulder Pain Free Discovery Visit:
In this podcast, Dr. Eric Wallace discusses the logistics and breakdown of how to go about building strength WITHOUT adding mass. This can be for golf, but also for any of your fitness goals.  Building muscle strength and adding mass are two different things. Take a listen to learn the difference between these two. Show Notes: Website: 12-Week Online Golf Programming: Pillar Killers For Golfers E-Book: 7 Golf Tips to Ease Pain and Swing Easier Join our Bogey Free Back & Body Facebook group to receive all of our golf-related content!
“If I try and get stronger for golf, then I might get tight, inflexible, and might not be able to have as big of a turn.”  HOGWASH! That's 100% not true. Eliminate it right now! There really is no debate about it anymore. Find out more by checking out Motus Rx Physical Therapy's latest podcast: "Top 3 Golf Fitness Myths & What To Do About Them"  Show Notes: Website: E-Guide: Free Pillar Killers For Golfers 12-Week Programming E-Book: 7 Golf Tips to Ease Pain & Swing Easier  Be sure to like our Facebook "Motus Rx Physical Therapy" page and follow us on Instagram @motusrx
We don’t get people medically ready, we get people LIFE ready. I will leave it at that. With that, we help active individuals move confidently and feel young. WHO DOESN’T WANT TO DO THAT? Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. Show Notes: Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to schedule FREE discovery visit Click HERE to snag your FREE 7 Secrets to Relieve Back Pain E-Book
Has the wear and tear of summer added unwanted...and quite frankly unasked for stress on your back?  If you're an active individual of any sorts, now is the time to soak up the remaining of this beautiful weather and continue playing outdoor sports, being outside with your kids, and going for walks. Stop missing out on living your life, reboot your back. Show notes: Click HERE to visit our website Click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Visit Click HERE to snag our FREE E-book: 7 Secrets to Relieve Low Back Pain
THE MAN! THE GREEK FREAK! In my opinion, the face of Wisconsin sports now...and it's not even close. In relation to Giannis, what are the top 3 things that our junior athletes can learn from him?I highly encourage our junior athletes to look at this individual and pick up on some of the things that are unique about him.  If you are going to be a student-athlete, or you are going to be in the community, the “athlete” part is part of you...but it’s not your whole you! There’s a bigger you in front of that athlete...a human, a student, a brother or sister, a friend, a Disney movie loving enthusiast...whatever it is that makes you, YOU! Show Notes: Visit our website at: Click HERE to receive a FREE Discovery Visit at Motus Rx Physical Therapy
Raise your hand if you hear MRI and you think back pain pretty quickly after that? As we continue on our discussion about back pain, today we are going to talk about MRI’s and I am going to tell you a little bit of a story. Today’s story is called, “A Lady Walks Into An MRI Machine…actually 10 of them.” This is a story about a lady that for whatever the reason, decides to take the plunge and get 10 MRI’s at 10 different testing centers. I just want to talk a little bit about what this lady went through and what they found in terms of her findings upon exam. Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. Show notes: Click HERE for a FREE discovery visit website: FREE E-book: 7 Secrets to Relieve Back Pain Our Online Build A Better Back Wellness Program
“I have back pain now...what the heck should I be doing for it?” We are talking the top 10 things to do when you have back pain. These are going to be more tactical and actionable steps. Everybody is different. Everybody’s situation is different. At the end of the day, your back pain is an experience. It is not a concrete thing that all 10 human beings I see in the clinic on any given day, nobody has the exact same experience or variables surrounding that experience. Therefore it is CRUCIAL to create a plan/program designed to fit YOUR individual needs.  Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. Show notes: -Click HERE to visit our website -Click HERE to receive your FREE 7 Tips to Relieve Low Back Pain Report -Click HERE to claim your Online Build A Better Back Program
Tune in to this episode to discover the top 3 reasons why you are having back pain OR why your back pain continues to reoccur.  In this podcast, we don't beat around the bush and give it to you straight. With our back pain, or any pain for that matter, need to: 1. Treat the underlying cause, not the second-order hangover from the night before 2. See the whole process through 3. We have to be able to handle what we are asking our bodies to do Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. Show notes: For other useful tips to ease low back pain, click HERE for your free tips report: 7 Secrets to Relieve Low Back Pain
Golf fitness...What is it and how do I go about it? 3 steps: 1. Identification: Identify where you are currently at with your golf swing and golf performance and identify where you want to go. Then identify the gap between where you are currently at and where you want to go. This is where we would perform a Body Swing Connection Analysis to help assess this information. 2. Intervention: The intervention phase consists of building on the physical aspect of golf fitness. Specifically, becoming more mobile, becoming stronger and more powerful, and becoming faster.  3. Re-Integration: How we take the physical gains we have made and integrate them into our golf swing. This happens through intentional practice and objective measurement. Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. Show notes: To get the latest golf news, join our Bogey Free Back and Body Facebook group! For more information visit our website: For more like this, read our latest blog post: A Golf Love Affair: One Day You're Hot and One Day You're Not
In honor of the U.S. Golf Open starting TODAY, it's only appropriate to talk golf. Specifically, CONSISTENCY.  Tune in to this podcast to discover the keys to having a consistent and repeatable golf swing. Additionally, we will reveal one of the most common struggles Motus Rx Physical Therapy sees at the clinic in golfers who are seeking consistency and repeatability. Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. Show Notes: For more information about how to improve your golf game you can read out FREE tips report: "7 Golf Tips to Ease Pain and Swing Easier." If you are interested in the golf performance services Motus Rx Physical Therapy offers, you can visit our website by clicking HERE.
Part of looking ahead is looking back! Tune into Motus Rx's latest podcast to find the good that came out of such an uncertain 2020: Invest in yourself! Get real with your expectations! Stop expecting good from bad places! Have a listen to learn more...and if you're interested in what we have to say, we would love for you to subscribe to the "Motus Rx Audio Experience" on any of your favorite podcast playing mediums, including Spotify. www.motusrx/friends