Raising Well Nourished Kids

<p><b>We all want to raise healthy, emotionally resilient, food-adventurous kids, but what does that actually look like and how do we do it? </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>This podcast is a place for deep conversations and practical guidance about what it takes to raise well nourished kids, in every sense of the word. We tackle all the big topics from setting boundaries and creating healthy eating habits to instilling a good food culture in your household and fostering body positivity. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>There’s a lot of information out there, much of it contradictory and confusing. This leaves parents overwhelmed and anxious about the ‘right’ thing to do when it comes to their child’s health and wellbeing. It’s time to reimagine a way to parent in this modern world that supports health, connection and the relational wellbeing of our families and precious children. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>Every week we’ll bring you a new episode that draws on our combined 40 years of knowledge and experience in the fields of child psychology, behaviour and nutrition, as well as our own personal journey’s of raising healthy, thriving teenagers, in the hopes of bringing you some much needed clarity along with simple, proven strategies to help you raise well nourished kids. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>We’re here to support you to support your young people in developing healthy eating habits and positive relationships with and through food.</b></p>

20. Nourishing Kids Through Winter Illnesses: Tips for busy parents.

In this episode, Georgia and Jane discuss the challenges of keeping kids healthy during the cold and flu season. As winter approaches, many parents face the common issue of children coming home with snotty noses, coughs, and sneezes. They share practical advice on how to nourish children when they're sick and don't have much of an appetite.Listeners will gain valuable insights into creating a supportive environment for their children during illnesses and learn about the best food choices to a...


19. Understanding the Nervous System: Tools for Calm Parenting

In this episode Georgia & Jane discuss the concept of the "window of tolerance" as a framework for understanding and managing our nervous systems, particularly in parenting situations. Developed by Dr. Daniel Siegel, the window of tolerance provides a model for recognising when we are in a balanced, healthy state and when we are experiencing hyperarousal or hypoarousal.Georgia & Jane help us to understand these states and provide insight into why as parents we may react in certain way...


18. Winter Wellness: Strengthening Kids' Immune Systems with Nutrition and Lifestyle

In this episode, Georgia and Jane explore the important topic of strengthening your child's immune system during the winter months. They explore why some kids seem to catch every bug while others remain healthy, emphasising the pivotal role of a robust immune system.This episode is packed with actionable advice for parents looking to keep their kids healthy during the winter. Georgia and Jane provide a holistic approach to immune support, blending nutrition, lifestyle, and natural remedies to...


17. Mealtime Madness: How to turn it around and create a positive experience for the whole family

Join Georgia and Jane as they discuss the complexities of family mealtimes and share practical strategies to make them more enjoyable and less stressful.They emphasise the importance of planning, maintaining routines, and creating a positive mealtime atmosphere and explain exactly how to do those things!Their conversation is filled with personal anecdotes and actionable tips, making this episode a valuable resource for parents navigating the challenges of feeding their families.Learn to estab...


16. Planning Meals for Picky Eaters: Simple strategies to avoid over-catering to fussy behaviours

In this episode, Georgia and Jane explore the challenges and strategies of meal planning for families with picky eaters. They discuss the importance of balancing a child's food preferences without overly catering to them, aiming to introduce a variety of foods to expand their palates.They explore strategies to help children become more interested and accepting of new foods while highlighting the importance of setting realistic expectations and being patient with the gradual process of broaden...


15. Navigating conflicting health values in parenting: A guide for partners & co-parents

In this insightful podcast episode, hosts Georgia Harding and Jane Faulkner address a common challenge faced by many parents: differing health values between partners.They explore how to navigate this issue whether parents are living together or separated so that there is harmony in how you tackle your kids' health and wellbeing.Key takeawaysHealthy communication - how to master thisHow to model healthy behaviour as a teamThe statements that are great to foster respectful communication betwee...


14. When your kids crave junk. Why it happens and how to get them off the junk food train

In this podcast episode, Georgia and Jane delve into why children are naturally drawn to junk and processed foods, particularly sugar-laden treats. They explain how the human brain's reward system, designed to ensure survival, is hijacked by processed foods that release dopamine, making kids crave these foods more. Learn how to transition kids to whole foods gradually, to help with all the negative health issues that accompany processed diets.Key Takeaways:Learn the biological drive that has ...


13. Nourishing yourself as a parent. Why it’s so important and how to do it.

In this podcast episode, Georgia Harding and Jane Faulkner discuss the importance of self-care and nurturing for parents and caregivers. They highlight the challenges faced by parents in today's society, where the focus often remains solely on the needs of children and families, neglecting the essential role of self-care for effective parenting.In sharing their own personal experiences and observations as parents/mothers, they explain that taking care of oneself isn't selfish but rather cruci...


12. Hiding vegetables in your kids food: the do’s the don'ts and how to find the right balance

Join Georgia Harding and Jane Faulkner as they unravel the age-old debate on whether to hide or not to hide food for picky eaters. Discover the short-term benefits and long-term pitfalls of concealing veggies and nourishing ingredients in meals, and explore practical strategies to transition from hiding to fostering a genuine love for whole foods.Learn why addressing nutritional deficiencies through hidden ingredients can kickstart healthier eating habits. Explore the delicate balance of...


11. Nourishing your kids tummies: Unlocking the secrets of digestive health for kids

In this podcast episode, Georgia Harding and Jane Faulkner discuss simple everyday strategies to support children's digestive health. They emphasise the critical role of a healthy gut in overall well-being, drawing on the ancient wisdom that "all disease starts in the gut." You will learn practical tips, such as avoiding cold foods as well as the importance of understanding individual needs and gradually implementing sustainable changes tailored to each child's requirements. By followin...


10. Navigating Toddler Mealtime Tantrums: Strategies for battles at the dinner table

In this week’s episode, Georgia and Jane tackle a common parental struggle: dealing with toddlers who refuse to sit at the table during mealtimes. As children assert their independence, boundaries are tested, often resulting in mealtime battles.Join us as we delve into the developmental aspects behind this behaviour and explore effective strategies to foster healthy eating habits and family dynamics. From creating comfortable dining environments to setting clear expectations, we provide pract...


9. Getting Toddlers lunchbox ready, how to avoid packaged foods & setting boundaries

In this conversation, Georgia Harding and Jane Faulkner discuss tips and ideas for preparing toddlers and young kids to become lunchbox ready for school. They emphasise the most important tasks to introduce early and discuss the significance of setting boundaries and expectations, as well as educating kids on the importance of healthy eating. Get to know some of their top tips and resources to have your Toddler lunch box ready in no time!How to set boundariesBest ways to educate young kids on...


8. Getting kids to eat everything, power struggles and managing your expectations around mealtimes

In this week’s Raising Well Nourished Kids episode, Georgia and Jane discuss the topic of kids' eating habits and whether it is reasonable to expect them to eat everything. They emphasise the importance of providing nourishing foods and creating a safe and calm eating environment for children and encourage parents to have an expectation that kids try new foods without making a big deal about it.The conversation highlights the role of language in shaping children's attitudes towards food and t...


7. Post Easter health reset, Tips & resources for getting back on track

In the latest Raising Well Nourished Kids podcast episode, Georgia & Jane discuss changes in kids' eating habits and their lack of desire for whole food after indulgent periods like Easter or holidays. The conversation explores the biological and physiological factors that influence children's inclination towards junk and processed food. It also provides insights into resetting after indulgent periods, creating boundaries, teaching kids to make informed choices, and encouraging mindfulnes...


6. Tackling Easter, sugar intake & the learning opportunities around celebrations

In this podcast episode, Georgia and Jane discuss the importance of teaching kids skills like moderation, delayed gratification, and mindfulness during Easter celebrations. They share personal experiences and strategies for navigating the challenges of sugar intake, allowing children to learn through experiences, and develop decision-making skills.The conversation highlights the long-term benefits of delayed gratification and the interconnectedness of this and mindfulness. Jane and Georgia en...


5. Improve your kids relationship with healthy food, 5 simple strategies for success

Today’s episode is short but punchy! Join Georgia and Jane as they discuss five simple things parents can do to support a healthy relationship between their child and food. They discuss how these strategies are particularly important for picky eaters and encourage you to take small steps in implementing changes to the way you relate your children to and with food.TakeawaysLearn 5 simple strategies you can take away with you and start to implement right awayPick just one thing to start with, n...


4. Eating together as a family, the importance & benefits for your kids health and development

Join Georgia & Jane as they discuss the importance of eating together as a family and the positive impact this has on children's development. Eating together as a family promotes social skills, builds relationships, and helps children develop a healthy relationship with food. Research shows that regular family meals lead to increased consumption of fruits and vegetables, reduced risk of overweight and obesity issues, and lower likelihood of developing eating disorders, depression, and eng...


3. Is protein necessary for our kids health & how much protein do kids need?

In this conversation, Georgia and Jane discuss the importance of protein in supporting mood, behaviour, learning, immune health, and growth and development in children. They explain that proteins are large complex molecules made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of life. Animal sources of protein are considered complete, while plant sources need to be combined to form complete proteins. The conversation highlights the impact of protein on mood regulation, cognitive function, st...


2. Are food rewards harming your kids’ relationship with eating well? The psychology behind this.

This podcast episode discusses the impact of using food rewards on children's relationship with food and their intrinsic motivation. It highlights the negative effects of rewards on self-esteem and behaviour, as well as the importance of setting boundaries and meeting children's needs. The conversation emphasises the dangers of extrinsic motivation and the benefits of developing intrinsic motivation in children. It also explores the link between rewards and anxiety in children and provides al...


1. Raising healthy kids, importance of whole foods & who we are

In this episode, Georgia and Jane introduce themselves and their passion for supporting parents to raise happy, healthy, food-loving kids. They discuss the importance of whole foods for kids and the challenges parents face in parenting and feeding their children. They emphasise the power of eating together and the simple things that matter in raising physically and mentally well kids. They also highlight the need for deep conversations about parenting and the importance of a holistic approach...


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