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The APX Physiology Podcast
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The APX Physiology Podcast

Author: Chris Knott

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Exploring how to achieve your greatest health, performance and mindset
193 Episodes
I go through an interactive coaching session to help identify blocks and come up with a strategy to overcome them.
Episode #222 - An Introduction to Osteoarthritis***Recording this one was a real privilege. I’d like to introduce you to a lady by the name of Debra Bakowska. Debra is a Doctor of Osteopathy and had a Masters in Physiotherapy. She was my main tutor during my Osteopathy degree and I owe a lot of my concepts and treatment methods to her.***To say Debra has a wealth of knowledge would be an understatement. She has been practicing for over 30 years and translated 100’s of books covering a multitude of topics.***We wanted to start her series on the podcast with an introduction to Osteoarthritis. The reason being is that it is a very overlooked topic but one that coaches should 100% have some form of knowledge in, especially if you train an older demographic.***This is a very practical approach on how to train clients with OA, exploring the do’s and don’t’s of exercise and how you can support them outside of the gym. With little jargon and lots of practical advice, this is a great one to send to people who have Osteoarthritis as well, so they can learn more about the condition.
In the second instalment of the Self Development Podcast Series I discuss why it’s so important to have a vision of where you want to go and who you want to be.***This episode includes an interactive element where you can do a “self assessment” on how clear you are with your vision and how you can work on it on a daily basis
In this episode, Geoff and I discuss his new book “From Fear Of Failure To Flying High”; his story of how he overcame his fear of failure to achieving success. This is a great episode for anyone looking to improve their business and finances. 
Part 1 of the Self Development Series: Perception***I discuss where our perceptions come from and how we can shape them through careful analysis of the content we consume
I'm joined by Osteopath Will Bosson to discuss the myths behind stretching and what you can do to improve your mobility 
I go through my top 3 tips for helping clients feel muscles more effectively, enhance movement and get the most out of their training sessions.
I discuss the lung meridian according to TCM and how it affects training the shoulders
I discuss my thoughts on how we can improve the health and fitness industry in order to help our clients and patients as much as possible. 
Bonn and I play question roulette with 2 questions being about how to improve training for function and martial arts and 2 questions being ones we've never seen before. 
Don takes me through how and why you should be tracking your HRV and how to apply the data to your own training and recovery programme
I discuss the mechanics of a barbell glute bridge and the effects it has on the body. I also discuss factors that need to be considered for post natal training and Bikini athlete exercise selection
Jay talks me through his latest prep and the difficulties he faced in the run up to it. We discuss how he overcame the problems he faced and how he used his setbacks as motivation to work harder. 
In this episode I explain my treatment model and how I screen people in person. This goes through the physiological differences between muscle and fascia and how both need to be considered and understood when treating and training people.***I also explain the joint and structural changes that are created when people do unilateral sports for a long period of time. I go through what this does to the body and how it affects their training.
In this episode I give a Lehman's guide to lower back issues, what to do, what you may have done and the best plan of action. This is an ideal reference to give to clients who have sustained a lower back injury and are unsure what to do.***The functional anatomy muscle of the episode is the TFL. I expand on my functional anatomy video on the TFL and give a more in depth description of what the muscle does and how you can train it functionally. You can access the APXed YouTube channel by clicking the link here. 
In this episode, Master Yoga Instructor Kim Tang takes me through spinal biomechanics in Yoga and why is is just as much about strength as it is about flexibility. ***Kim and I also discuss how restrictions manifest in our body and how our mental state creates restrictions and vice versa. ***This is a great listen for anyone looking to use Yoga as a vehicle towards greater health and movement quality.
In this episode Will and I interview neurologist Stasha Gominak on the effects of vitamin D supplementation on sleep and the microbiome.***Stasha takes us through how she started as a neurologist and how she began her research. She then moves onto vitamin D and the impact it had on her patient’s sleep along with other aspects of their lives.***Interestingly, high levels of vitamin D supplementation can lead to deficiencies in other vitamins and nutrients, therefore it’s important to counteract these effects with appropriate protocols.***This was a fascinating chat and we’re both very excited about doing the second part later next month.
In this episode I discuss the main difference between compound and isolation movements, when and why one is more applicable and how this affects our programme design.***I also go through the concept of internal vs external mechanics. External mechanics of when machines are strongest and weakest has become incredibly popular in the past 5 years. This being said, understanding external mechanics is somewhat superfluous without a sound knowledge of functional anatomy. I give examples here of why this is so important when client struggle to feel muscles properly.***Finally there is practical application of what to do with the information delivered in the podcast and how it can help your training/treatment business
In this episode I discuss Liver anatomy and how problems with the Liver can create issues with muscles further afield.***I discuss the "forgotten" leg muscles such as the Popliteus, Gracilis and Sartorius and what they do during gait. I also explain the link between them and the Liver.***Finally I go through common knee pain presentations, how they come about and what you can do to address them.
APX Treatments Therapist Will Bosson and I discuss Will's recent literature review on the effectiveness of HVT's on improving proprioception. Will informs me what the latest research is saying, how proprioception is measured and it's clinical significance for practitioners.