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Good Mood Revolution

Good Mood Revolution

Author: Matt O'Neill

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Life can be challenging, but Good Mood Revolution is here to lift you up. Hosted by happiness expert Matt O’Neill, this show combines laughter and positivity with practical strategies for living your happiest life. Tune in as Matt interviews leading authorities on maintaining good moods. This isn’t about surface-level happiness; you’ll learn techniques to stay positive no matter what life throws at you. Enjoy heartfelt discussions and strategies to boost your mood whenever you need. Happiness is a choice, and we’re here to help you make it. Your best mood is just one podcast away!
133 Episodes
If you only had one day to live, how would you spend it? Every single minute matters. Live today like it could be your last. In this episode, Scott White teaches the principles from his best-selling book, The Life Is Too Short Guy. You’ll learn how to make every day your best day ever, the power of positivity, and the importance of being intentional with how you choose to use the remaining minutes of your life. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Minutes matter Take a chance and get it done today Attitude is everything: the power of positivity LIVE for today, don’t wait for tomorrow [04:58] Minutes Matter You don't know what tomorrow is going to bring so make the most of every day. You have a finite number of minutes. So you have to choose how you're going to use those minutes. Minutes are a commodity so you don’t have an endless amount of them. They are fading away and you don’t actually know how many minutes you still have left. So think about how you are using your minutes. Be thoughtful, be deliberate and use them in ways that make you happy. And if you use them in ways that don't make you happy, today is the day to make that change. [24:12] Attitude is Everything There will be twists and turns and there will be setbacks. That's the reality. But think about the power of positivity as a proposition to wake up to and set the course for the day, instead of staying in bed where you’re warm and comfortable. You have the proactive ability to choose your attitude. [35:25] LIVE for Today If you were to write your own eulogy, what would it be? How do you want people to remember you? Take a minute to reflect on that and whether that’s the life you're living right now. And if it's just aspirational, then today's the day to make a proactive plan to live that life because you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. Notable quotes: [04:58] Minutes matter. You could die tomorrow. Make the most of today. [05:02] [09:56] Think about how are you using your minutes. Be thoughtful, be deliberate and use them in ways that make you happy. And if you use them in ways that don't make you happy, today is the day to make that change. [10:07] [25:23] Attitude is everything, the power of positivity – it sets you on the right road. [25:28] Resources Mentioned: The Life Is Too Short Guy Book: The Life Is Too Short Guy LinkedIn: Facebook: IG: Download the Good Mood Toolkit here! THE GOOD MOOD SHOW Podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Anchor, and more… About the Guest Scott White is the happiest guy you will ever meet. After spending over a decade in investment banking on Wall Street, he took a chance to become an entrepreneur and business builder. Today, he is the chairman and CEO of a public real estate company with a mission to make the world happier – one smile at a time.
Eckhart Tolle is one of the most influential spiritual teachers alive today. Matt O’Neill spent a weekend with him and discovered the two steps to spiritual enlightenment. Discover how to shift your manifestation mindset and consciously create the life you want. Matt shares Eckhart's profound insights on awakening your true self and taking back the power to consciously create your reality.  Through fascinating stories of his own spiritual journey from victim mentality to manifestation master, Matt explores how our thoughts and emotions shape our experiences in unseen ways. Listen and learn Eckhart’s meditative practices for accessing inner peace, and how living in the present moment can transform your perspective and lead to fulfillment that no circumstance can shake. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  How shifting your mindset from victim to manifestor can change everything Releasing suppressed anger and stress through spiritual awakening  Connecting to inner peace and happiness through meditation and presence Eckhart Tolle's meditative practices for accessing inner peace Why living in the present moment leads to lasting fulfillment [03:31] The First Step to Enlightenment Eckhart Tolle described the first step of awakening as recognizing that you are not a victim of outside circumstances, but rather you have the power to consciously create your own reality through your thoughts and emotional states. This realization lifts you out of victim consciousness and empowers you to take responsibility for manifesting improvement in your life by controlling your mental patterns and shifting to more positive mindsets. It is a crucial first step on the spiritual path toward enlightenment. [12:47] The Second Awakening The second awakening, as described by Eckhart Tolle, involves transcending the ego and deriving one's sense of self from their deeper inner consciousness or "true self.” It is realizing that true happiness and fulfillment come from within, rather than from external circumstances or achievements. Eckhart said this second stage of awakening involves discovering the "dimension within" through connecting to the eternal, peaceful part of our being that exists beyond thinking. Both Eckhart and Matt experienced this shift through profound life events like Eckhart's psychotic breakdown, which cracked open his mind to this deeper truth and led to a state of enlightenment. [22:55] Tuning Into the Present Eckhart stressed the value of living in the present moment. He noted that our senses can help ground us in the now. By focusing on your breath moving in and out, or the feeling of your heartbeat, you tap into the current situation. While thoughts may wander to past or future, senses keep us connected to what's happening right now. So taking a moment to notice sights, sounds or physical sensations can pull you from thinking and into simply being present – a key part of awakening to your true self. Resources Mentioned:  The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.
Do you want to feel happier, even while facing challenges? In this episode, Matt O’Neill sits down with world-renowned happiness expert Dr. Elia Gourgouris who shares research-backed strategies for cultivating more joy even when facing adversity.  From increasing self-care and gratitude to identifying your challenge-response style and eliminating toxic influences, Elia offers simple habits you can implement today. Happiness is a choice - let Matt and Elia help you make the happy choice today.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Self-care is non-negotiable for happiness Four personality types for navigating challenges: victim, critic, bystander, navigator  Recognizing fear-based decision making and avoiding major choices during that time [04:04] Self-care and Gratitude   Elia discusses the importance of non-negotiable daily self-care like walking for an hour. When the pandemic hit, he increased this to walking every day while leaving his phone behind half the time. This allowed him to focus on nature and doing "gratitude walks." He found that cultivating gratitude through appreciating the beauty around him helped release feel-good neurotransmitters that lifted his mood. Elia emphasizes gratitude can be practiced even in difficult times and is key to overcoming challenges with hope and optimism. [11:36] Four Personality Types for Navigating Challenges Elia outlines the four typical personality types people take on when facing adversity:  The victim - sees themselves as the only one affected The critic - blames others The bystander - feels overwhelmed and paralyzed The navigator - maintains a positive outlook and adapts well He notes we all have aspects of each within us at different times. The key is to pivot from the first three reactive types into the navigator mindset of learning from challenges rather than seeing them as roadblocks. Taking the navigator approach allows one to come through difficulties in a fulfilling, growth-oriented way. [16:56] The Fear Camp vs. The Faith Camp Elia discusses how in life there are two camps we operate from - the fear camp and the faith camp. He notes that all of our emotions stem from one of these two camps. Sometimes we fluctuate between operating from fear or faith based on life circumstances. However, it's important not to make any major decisions when in a state of fear. Staying rooted in faith even during challenges is key to navigating difficulties in a positive, growth-oriented way [19:49] Setting Boundaries Through Honest Communication in Toxic Relationships Elia discusses how to eliminate toxic relationships through "HOT" conversations - honest, open, and transparent discussions. These should be handled with care, love, and understanding rather than aggression. Elia emphasizes self-care requires surrounding oneself with supportive people and it's important to set boundaries with toxic individuals for one's own well-being, while still showing empathy. If they are unwilling to change behaviors, keeping them at a distance is acceptable. Resources Mentioned:  Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Dr. Elia Gourgouris is the Founder of The Happiness Center - an organization of world leading experts in the field of Positive Psychology dedicated to creating personal success and happiness.
Have you ever not gotten along with your boss? Do you sometimes not get along with authority or have trouble doing what other people tell you to do? Have you found yourself kind of not feeling like you fit in with the conforming society? You might just be a rebel – and that’s not a bad thing.  Every single one of us has some rebel tendencies inside. In this episode, Matt O’Neill sits down with rebel expert Joe Barnes to discuss what to do about those rebel tendencies and how to make the happiest, most successful life you can – being a rebel.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Embracing one’s rebellious nature Tapping your inner rebel The characteristics of a rebel Creating one's place in the world as a rebel Following heart-based decisions, even when difficult Breaking societal conventions and creating a fulfilling work life [01:14] Embracing One's Rebellious Nature Rebelliousness can be painful, but also enable positive change when one gains autonomy. Accepting rebelliousness as natural wiring and nurturing it could potentially help rebellious children blaze their own trail to create great things if they have strong morals. [09:38] Tapping Your Inner Rebel We all have a rebellious side, whether seeking freedom or following our heart. This often stays hidden due to societal pressures. But embracing your rebel spirit unlocks creativity. Listen to your passions, not just others' expectations. Question meaningless rules and tasks. Express dissent through hobbies. Guide choices with values over conformity. Your rebellion can inspire positive change on your own terms. [10:47] The Characteristics of a Rebel A need for freedom and meaning -- Rebels want to determine their own path. They don't want to follow blindly without clear reasoning. Questioning authority — Rebels are more likely to resist conforming and challenge established systems. Making decisions based on internal passions and feelings rather than outside logic or expectations—Rebels follow their heart. May feel like outsiders to mainstream culture — They are potentially struggling to fit into conventional roles and niches in life. Driven to express individuality — Rebels want to blaze their own trail. [18:37] Creating Your Place in the World Joe acknowledges rebels may feel like outsiders to normal roles. However, through self-reflection and experimenting with different jobs, as Joe did first as a tennis coach then hypnotherapist, rebels can forge their own fulfilling path led by heart-based choices rather than conforming to societal expectations. Use your heart is your guide to navigate your way through life. [22:42] Letting Your Heart Guide Your Decisions Matt explains that the heart is our guide given by God to know right choices. When contemplating a future, a tight, constricted feeling in the chest means "no", while an open, loving, excited or passionate sensation provides a "yes" - not just mentally but physically feeling one's heart leading the way. Listening internally to how different options emotionally and somatically feel can help rebels and free spirits make choices aligned with their values and passions. Resources Mentioned:  The Rebel Code Heart Callings with Carolyn Rivers Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Joe Barnes is the author of "The Rebel Code" and a self-proclaimed rebel. He believes that embracing one's rebellious nature can lead to greater fulfillment and happiness in life through living authentically on one's own terms. 
Is your glass half full or half empty? Today, we're talking about the power of optimism and positivity. Why should we be optimistic, and isn't just being optimistic and positive all the time ignoring all the problems that are out in the world? Well, we've got some very important information today about why being optimistic and how you look at your glass is going to change the quality of your happiness and your life.  Join today’s conversation as Matt O’Neill chats with Bill Burke of The Optimism Institute about cultivating a positive outlook through challenges, big and small. Learn practical tools for staying hopeful, even when it's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Optimism as a measure of positivity and taking action  Putting daily problems in perspective through wish-granting experiences  Maintaining optimism through understanding history and social progress How to get through your darkest times Practical tips: cleaning up social media feeds, limiting notifications, focusing on positivity [03:53] Optimism as a Measure of Positivity and Taking Action  Bill defines optimism as not just a passive outlook, but as an outlook coupled with action. To him, an optimist is someone who looks at life's opportunities and challenges, takes action to address problems, and works to make positive changes in the world. His view of optimism includes actively doing something to improve situations, rather than just thinking that things will get better on their own. [11:02] How to Get Through Your Darkest Times Bill notes difficulty is natural, and life was often harder historically. Don't expect constant happiness. Though dark times seem endless, time often heals. Getting through hard periods effectively makes us stronger and more empathetic. Maintain optimism by recognizing challenges are temporary and we can deepen relationships through enduring them together.  [14:21] Putting Daily Problems in Perspective Matt shares his involvement with a wish-granting organization for children with life-threatening illnesses. He recounts a recent experience taking a family out for pizza, a first for the children. The simple act of giving toddlers lemonade was one of the most magical experiences of their short lives. Moments like this help put everyday worries into perspective when faced with the challenges others are experiencing. [24:15] Practical Strategies for an Optimistic Mindset Bill shares tangible steps for cultivating more positivity in daily life. He discusses intentionally cleaning up social media feeds to prioritize uplifting content and avoid negativity. Limiting app time, disabling notifications, and avoiding news alerts can help reduce anxiety. Bill also emphasizes focusing on interactions with others in the real world rather than screens. Small changes in habits can shift perspectives towards optimism over time through selective curation of online and offline experiences. Resources Mentioned:  The Optimism Institute Blue Sky Getting Better by Charles Kenny Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Bill Burke is the founder and CEO of The Optimism Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on spreading positivity. He is also the host of the Blue Sky podcast where he interviews guests about maintaining optimism.
What’s more important, time or money? If you have a lot of time, but not a lot of money, you may say that money is more important. On the other hand, you can always make more money, but once you spend your time, you can never get it back.  In this episode, Matt talks with time-optimization expert David Buck about some game-changing strategies for taking control of your time. They explore the differences between time management and time optimization, balancing work and family, overcoming distractions, and practical strategies for saying no and structuring your schedule. Procrastination is the #1 time and money sucker – and specificity is key to conquering it and those lingering to-dos. Listen in and learn how small adjustments can lead to BIG results! Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Prioritizing family over career by building "relationship capital" Smartphone distractions as the #1 time challenge and morning/evening routines  The economic costs of procrastination Overcoming procrastination through specificity [08:24] Building "Relationship Capital" to Prioritize Family Over Career Create an overall "life purpose statement" to help make values-based decisions. A key part of this is building "relationship capital" – fostering understanding with employers so that flexibility is allowed when family needs arise. By developing trust through consistent performance, one can negotiate time off for important personal events while still meeting work commitments through established relationships. This balance helps to optimize both career and family responsibilities. [12:15] Minimizing Distractions and Routines for Staying Present and Productive Distractions, especially from smartphones, are identified as the number one challenge for time management. Some ways to minimize distractions include quarantining phones during important tasks, and having morning and evening routines like airplane mode overnight and turning phones off in the car to avoid distraction. [22:52] The Economic Costs of Procrastination  David defines procrastination as intentionally delaying something that will end up hurting you. This delay can cause negative economic impacts by missing commitments, incurring unnecessary costs, or overloading your schedule to the point where you can't keep up. Procrastination has the biggest economic impact of all the time management challenges. When you procrastinate, it's like you're experiencing a flood – tasks and obligations continue piling up without any way to release or manage them. Delaying tasks compounds the issues, as more things get added to your plate that then need to be pushed back as well.  [23:48] Overcoming Procrastination Through Specificity Specificity is key to overcoming procrastination. Break down projects into detailed steps and tasks, and assign them targeted due dates to gain clarity, momentum, and a sense of progress. Planning calendars in detail two weeks out also provides structure and accountability. Resources Mentioned:  The Time-Optimized Life Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  David Buck is an internationally recognized time management expert and the author of "The Time-Optimized Life." He has worked with individuals, teams and companies to help optimize their use of time through assessing workflows and implementing strategic planning techniques.
Stressful times can steal our joy if we let them. But you can choose joy during times of stress if you know the techniques. In this episode, Dr. Lauren Mellin explains her method for choosing joy called Emotional Brain Training. It is more effective for long-term happiness than just “thinking positive.” Lauren shares powerful techniques for overcoming stress and negative emotions through accessing your unconscious mind and rewiring unhelpful brain patterns. Listen to learn about the 5 levels of stress and simple exercises you can do to shift your state from anxiety or overwhelm into a place of calm and purpose.  Lauren also discusses the importance of community in her Emotional Brain Training program. Tune in today for an uplifting discussion on prioritizing your mental health and staying connected to joy even during challenging times. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  How to stay feeling your best The 5 levels of stress Stress as the “new joy” The difference between CBT and EBT The importance of social connection in emotional brain training [04:37] How to Stay Feeling Your Best Laurel talks about being in a state of joy, or "Brain State 1" as she calls it. In this state, your thinking brain and emotional brain are connected, making you feel naturally spiritual. You also feel closely connected to your body and aware of your emotions. When in this state, you feel a sense of higher purpose. However, as humans we have bodies evolved for survival, which can cause stress responses that disconnect us from this joyful state. Therefore, we need to use techniques like emotional brain training to outsmart how our bodies deal with stress, so we can stay feeling our best and most connected. [05:46] The 5 Levels of Stress Brain State 1 - Everything is wonderful and you feel love, gratitude, hope, etc. Brain State 2 - You're okay but don't feel very inspired. Brain State 3 - Your feelings are scattered and you feel a bit anxious or stressed. Brain State 4 - You feel stuck in your body and not very good. Brain State 5 - Your brain feels absolutely split and you may experience extremes in emotions and behaviors. [28:36] Stress as the New Joy Laurel explains that getting triggered down to Brain State 5, the lowest state, can be reframed as an opportunity rather than something negative. When in state 5, you can use emotional brain training techniques to clear out "clutter" in the deeper, unconscious parts of your brain. This prevents you from carrying painful emotions with you long-term. She wants people to see state 5 as a chance to change your brain's wiring so you don't have to constantly feel on edge. With EBT, stress can become "the new joy" by using it as a way to process emotions and feel relief. [30:50] CBT vs. EBT: Targeting Thoughts vs. Emotions Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on changing negative thoughts to improve mood and behavior, while emotional brain training (EBT) addresses the deeper unconscious emotions behind thoughts. EBT uses techniques to access and process underlying emotions quickly through the body's sensations, in order to rewire unhelpful brain circuits and maintain a state of joy and connection between the thinking and emotional parts of the brain. Resources Mentioned:  Emotional Brain Training 1-2-3 Joy!  Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Dr. Laurel Mellin is a psychologist and author who has been developing techniques in emotional brain training for over 40 years. She founded the Emotional Brain Training program and app to help people access their unconscious minds, process negative emotions quickly, and rewire unhelpful brain circuits to maintain a state of joy
Did you know feelings like worry are our brains' way of protecting us? However, they can become problematic when they trigger repetitive negative thoughts.  In this episode, Matt O'Neill interviews neuroscientist Alex Korb to discuss how common emotions like worry, anxiety, anger, and self-criticism are natural brain functions, not personal failings.  Learn simple strategies – backed by neuroscience – to improve mood and happiness. Understand why our brains experience these emotions and learn how you can manage them through mindfulness instead of judgment. This episode will leave you feeling empowered rather than critical of yourself.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Why the brain experiences emotions like worry and self-criticism  Understanding different brain wiring and personality traits Managing emotions through mindfulness and self-compassion The importance of exercise, sleep, gratitude, and taking action [03:22] The Purpose of Worry and Self-Criticism Worry evolved as a brain mechanism to avoid threats by thinking through problems and solutions, utilizing the prefrontal cortex similarly to playing chess. The amygdala provides emotions like anxiety to motivate protection. Therefore, feelings such as worry and self-criticism stem naturally from how our brains are formed for survival purposes, rather than being inherently negative traits. [07:29] Unique Brain Wiring and the Value of Self-Acceptance We all think and act differently based on natural variations. Instead of stressing over what you can't change, focus on your strengths and what really matters to you. If something gets in your way, look at tweaking your approach rather than feeling stuck with who you are.  [20:40] The Power of Emotion Labeling and Self-Compassion Simply stating your emotion, like "I'm feeling angry", lets the prefrontal cortex regulate the amygdala. Labeling emotions mindfully while showing self-compassion, not judgment, replaces unhelpful rumination or avoidance with healthy emotional processing. This optimizes the brain's natural regulation abilities. [29:00] Simple Habits for a Happier Brain Alex highlights exercise, quality sleep, gratitude, and taking action as important daily habits for brain health and happiness. Small amounts of activity, optimized sleep, focusing on positives through gratitude, and controlling what's within our power can make a big impact per neuroscience. Notable quotes: [05:59] Worry in itself isn't a problem. Obsessively worrying is a problem. [06:13] [17:46] You can't necessarily inherently change your brain's automatic reactivity. [17:54] [18:17] Having a brain that is emotionally reactive is not a bad thing. What makes it a bad thing is the habits that you've programmed into it that are automatically triggered. [18:36] Resources Mentioned:  The Upward Spiral Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Alex Korb is a neuroscientist who studies depression and the brain. His book “The Upward Spiral” explains what happens in the brain during depression and provides strategies for improving mood based on scientific research.
Learn powerful strategies for maintaining a positive mindset in the face of major life changes and challenges. In this powerful discussion, Matt O’Neill shares how he navigated massive losses in his real estate business to emerge stronger than before through resilience and a growth mindset. Author and speaker Rich Alderton also reveals simple yet impactful techniques for developing "adaptability intelligence" to thrive in times of change. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Matt faces biggest career challenge with loss of half company revenue Adaptability as a learnable intelligence Tips for managing fear and anxiety about uncertainty Using mindfulness to overcome negativity bias Inspiring story of replacing lost business volume in one week [08:09] Adaptability as a Learnable Intelligence Adaptability is a learnable skill. While people develop technical and soft skills, those skills are only useful in stable environments. Adaptability is the most important skill since it allows people to apply other skills during challenges and uncertainty. It unlocks one's full potential to perform their best regardless of adversities. [12:29] Why People Resist Change People resist change due to evolutionary instincts to avoid threats to security and survival. Humans feel fear and anxiety towards alterations as changes posed risks historically. However, this response today can be counterproductive and prevent embracing opportunities from change. [15:09] How Change Creates Opportunities to Make a Positive Difference Challenging times allow people to rise to the occasion and make an impact by embracing change. It provides opportunities to help oneself and others – and explore one's capabilities. Status quo, on the other hand, does not offer growth because it only reinforces past behaviors without learning or progressing. Change provides opportunities to make a difference by pushing us out of routines, and compelling creativity to address challenges in new ways that can help others or solve problems innovatively. [25:45] Resistance vs. Adaptability Resilience is about bouncing back to the previous state, while adaptability is about bouncing forward to a better state. Resilience focuses on recovering from difficulties, but adaptability enables growth by learning from challenges and finding new opportunities for improvement. An adaptable mindset empowers individuals to not only withstand disruptions but also to thrive in the face of change. Notable quotes: [08:42] If you can only be the best that you can be when the waters are calm, then you're not really going to be of very much use to yourself or society. [08:52] [13:47] We've got to change the way that we perceive change. [13:51] [15:33] The status quo is only ever going to tell you that what you did yesterday, you can do tomorrow, and you already know that. So you've learned nothing, you've achieved nothing. What's the point of life? [15:43] [25:45] Resilience is about the ability to bounce back. Adaptability is about the ability to bounce higher. [25:50] Resources Mentioned:  Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb S.U.M.O. by Paul McGee Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Rich Alderton is a speaker and author focused on helping people develop adaptability intelligence. He defines adaptability as a form of intelligence that can be learned and improved through understanding how to manage fear and anxiety about change.
There is a simple act that can lift your spirits - picking up the phone and calling a friend. In this episode, Matt O'Neill interviews social expert Devon Ash about how connecting with others is key to happiness.  Interacting with and deriving support from others has wide-ranging benefits for mental and physical well-being. When we feel socially engaged, connected, and supported – our mood lifts, stress decreases, and we feel happier and more fulfilled. Listen now to find the social fluency tips that may be just what you need. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  How our social nature means connecting with others improves well-being Overcoming isolation during the pandemic and learning to say "yes" more often Real stories that show how developing social skills can transform lives [02:09] Reaching Out for Support Devon emphasizes the importance of social connection for our well-being. He advises reaching out to close friends or family when feeling down, as opening up about our vulnerabilities with trusted loved ones can provide much-needed relief. This may not be easy for those struggling to form deep relationships. However, by working on your social skills, you can develop supportive networks where people can feel truly seen and lift each other's moods during tough times. [04:22] The Importance of Connection Devon stresses that while some people are more introverted, human beings inherently need social interaction and connection with others. Reaching out to friends may not come naturally for those who struggle with social skills. However, developing the ability to connect is possible with time and practice. Building relationships is a learnable skill, and doing so can help ensure introverts still experience the mental health benefits of spending quality time with close friends and family. [05:34] Hang Out with Happy People Devon echoes Matt's advice to surround yourself with upbeat company when feeling down. As Matt discovered firsthand, being in the presence of happy, energetic people can lift one's mood even if they are not close friends. Both Devon and Matt recommend temporarily escaping negative headspaces by attending social events and putting yourself in environments filled with positivity and optimism. Doing so provides a mood boost at a time when you need it most. Notable quotes: Devon - [02:10] We are social creatures.  We love feeling connected to people we love when we feel seen. And if you don't feel like you have an outlet for that, it can feel really tough. [02:24] Devon - [04:22] We might be introverted, but we still need human connection to be fulfilled. [04:29] Matt - [06:40] When we are feeling hopeless or depressed or overwhelmed by sadness...  reaching out to the people who are our lifelines can help get us out. [06:49]  Resources Mentioned:  Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Devon Ash is a social fluency expert who teaches people skills for better social connections and communication in relationships, dating, career, and family.
It’s time to have PASSION in your work-life. In this episode, Kimmy Powell shares how you can discover your true calling. Kimmy also provides a simple process from her book "The Passion and Purpose Project" that will help you reflect on interests, skills, and childhood dreams. She'll guide you in ruling out wrong fits and taking inspired action. Tune in to hear Kimmy's tips for awakening your inner passion.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Awakening the inner child to find your true passion and calling How to get started with finding your calling How God guides us from whispers to knocks Find your path through self-awareness How to start with the end in mind [06:19] Awakening the Inner Child to Find Your True Passion and Calling Think back to what stuff excited you most as a kid before other people shaped your thinking. Remembering what you loved to do then can give you clues to your natural abilities and gifts. Reconnecting with that youthful part of yourself helps bring clarity around your real passions and purpose in life. [16:30] Finding Your Path Through Self-Awareness A lot of times people have an idea in their head of what they wanna do that's not realistic. And so, you’ve got to figure out what you really want versus what's actually possible. Cross off options that won't work to get clear on what's truly best for you. It's good to know what you don't want too, because that helps you put all the pieces together to see exactly what job would be the perfect fit. [19:44] God's Guidance: From Whispers to Knocks God first gently whispers ideas and insights to you. Then if you don't listen to the whispers, God will start shouting louder messages through more obvious signs or experiences. And if you still don't listen, God may ultimately deliver an experience that "knocks you over the head" – and leaves no doubt about the direction or lesson He is trying to impart. [27:37] How to Start with the End in Mind Think about how you wanna be remembered after you're gone - what difference or things you want people to say about you. Having a clear picture of your future self can help with choices now. Beginning by thinking big picture about goals and dreams keeps you focused on truly achieving your full potential. Notable quotes: [11:38] The child always knows roughly what they want to be – who they are at their core. [11:43] [14:42] If you can just find your lane, you don't really need to know where it ends. You just need to know that you're on the right highway. [14:50] [19:44] God whispers, then God shouts, and then God knocks you over the head. [19:47] [27:12] Design a life that is centered around you and not so much around what you think you should be – but what you actually are. [27:21] Resources Mentioned:  Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Kimberly K. Powell is a mentor, author, speaker, angel investor, and serial entrepreneur with 30+ years of expertise in building and scaling multiple seven-figure businesses. She has advised people worldwide to find their true passion through her book, "The Passion and Purpose Project."
Struggling to stay positive? Discover a simple trick to boost your mood anytime, anywhere. In this episode, creative entrepreneur, author, and former spacecraft designer Aliki Samone shares a mindfulness routine that will leave you feeling relaxed and energized.  Try her 3-minute practice that focuses on getting in touch with what's going on inside you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level – and experience the life-changing power of presence. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Aliki’s three-phase approach to choosing happiness The mind-body-spirit exercise How to shift your perspective to fully live in the moment Setting a daily alarm to check in with yourself [02:09] Aliki Samone's Three-Phase Approach to Choosing Happiness Aliki discusses three phases in your approach to choosing happiness: mental tools, planning techniques, and execution habits. Get into a good mood so you can live your best life and make those plans for the future by focusing first on the mental tools.  [02:32] The Mind-Body-Spirit Exercise Aliki suggests asking yourself these three questions as part of the mind-body-spirit exercise: What is my mind feeling like right now? - Are you feeling anxious, stressed, calm, joyful?  What does my body feel like right now? - Are there tensions, pains, or areas of discomfort? A relaxed, energized body often indicates a relaxed mindset as well. What is my spirit telling me? - The spirit represents one's soul, passion, and purpose. It leads to reconnecting with inner wisdom and strength. [06:38] Shifting Your Perspective to Fully Live in the Moment Once you've checked in with your current mental, physical, and emotional state through the mind-body-spirit exercise, Aliki recommends learning from the present experience. Take a deep breath, smile, and ask yourself: "What's an awesome thing I can do today?" or "What's an awesome way I can change my mindset?" [07:25] Setting a Daily Alarm for Self-Reflection Setting an alarm is a good way to practice the mind-body-spirit exercise. Choose a calming sound to go off once or multiple times per day at set times as a reminder to pause activities. Then spend a few minutes reflecting on your current mental, physical, and emotional state through asking the three key questions. This helps you build the routine of self-awareness and mood monitoring as a daily habit over time. Notable quotes: [02:09] A good mood will lead you to your best life. [02:12] [05:36] Your spirit is this connection between your heart and your soul – and that is where your passion and your fire for life grows. [05:46] [06:38] Learn from the now, live in the moment, and take a deep breath. Smile, and ask yourself, what's an awesome thing I can do today or an awesome way I can change my mindset so that I am in the best mood? [06:56] Resources Mentioned:  Connect with Aliki on Instagram @thesummitmethod Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Aliki Samone is a dynamic entrepreneur and author of the book Conquer Your Summit: How to Build a Five-Year Plan and Live Your Best Life. Aliki is a former spacecraft designer who started her own company and shares tips on feeling good.
Do you sometimes rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms to feel better or escape difficult emotions? In this latest episode of The Good Mood Show, you'll hear an inspiring story of overcoming addiction and finding fulfillment. Mark Congdon candidly shares his harrowing 5-year battle with substance abuse. But he also discusses the epiphany that led him to develop a simple 7-step process now proven to help thousands. Discover visualization techniques, goal-setting strategies, and habit-building tips to harness your brain's natural reward system – without artificial substances.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  The 7 steps to harness stress, find purpose, and achieve goals Visualization techniques and setting achievable milestones Developing productive habits and maintaining discipline Practicing mental contrasting and deliberate practice [09:46] The "I Got This" Framework: The 7-Step Process Identify a "master goal" or vision for your ideal future self - Craft a short mantra from your mission statement for daily motivation toward goals to remind you of your purpose. Visualize "dream goals" that may not seem possible now - Take your future vision and put it into a tangible yet challenging goal. It may not seem immediately possible, but it could be achieved with effort over time. Set "horizon goals" that are challenging but achievable - Choose goals you feel strongly you can achieve in your lifetime even if the timeline is unclear, marking progress towards your dreams. Break goals into controllable "objectives" and habits - Find concrete actions and routines that directly influence the outcome or who you become through consistent practice. Choose a specific "milestone goal" to work on - Select an outcome you will actively pursue over a set period to make tangible near-term progress on your path toward dreams and personal growth. Develop daily tasks to progress toward goals - Establish specific actions you will complete each day to move closer to your milestone through purposeful practice and productive routines. Allow progress to fuel further growth through "deliberate flow" - Let positive feelings from achieving smaller goals naturally inspire discipline in other areas through the spillover effect while comfortably practicing existing skills. [21:40] The Concept of Mental Contrasting Mental contrasting involves both positively visualizing a desired future outcome – and thinking of challenges and obstacles that could stand in the way. The research found that simply fantasizing leads to poorer results versus pairing positive visualization with considering negative realities and planning to overcome them. Notable quotes: [05:23] Discipline is how we learn [05:35] [07:59] Drugs are ways for us to try to chase that reward. [08:14]  [34:54] Capitalize on the wins you get from just taking one baby step at a time. [34:59] Resources Mentioned:  The Ideal Life The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Mark Congdon, the Founder of The Ideal Life, developed the "I Got This" framework to help people achieve their goals based on his career success and research integrating psychology and neuroscience.
David Bush shares his proven 4-step formula for achieving extraordinary results and having more good days. He emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with uplifting people, consuming inspiring content, developing a growth mindset, continuously learning new skills, and taking consistent action towards your goals.  Whether you want to improve your productivity, relationships, or overall happiness, you'll walk away with tangible tips to apply.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Motivation: The importance of consuming inspiring content and surrounding yourself with uplifting people Mindset: Developing a growth mindset over a fixed one to perceive challenges as opportunities  Skill Sets: The power of continuously developing your skills through learning Action: How to take consistent, small steps towards your goals to keep moving forward [01:45] How Consumption Impacts Motivation David quotes Zig Ziglar saying that motivation is like bathing - it only works when you do it regularly. Without the consistent practice of self-motivation, life begins to feel stagnant. Be careful with what you consume for information through reading, watching, and listening to ensure it inspires and excites you rather than bringing stress or negativity. Maintaining motivation requires regularly focusing on goals and aspirations. Then you will feel energized to take the necessary actions for improvements and progress. [02:28] How Your Perspective Paves Your Path Mindset is about perspective and perception, which determines your path and pace in life. Having an open, curious, and growth-oriented mindset allows you to view current circumstances and future opportunities in a way that leads to progress, rather than being fixed on pain and problems from the past. [03:15] How Learning Increases Skills and Success David quotes Jim Rohn's wisdom that the more you learn, the more you become, and the more you become, the more you achieve and earn. Developing valuable skills through continuous learning allows you to grow in your abilities, which leads to greater achievements, income, and repeating this cycle of expansion and success. [04:05] Motivation Requires Action to Sustain Motivation alone is not enough – you need to take inspired action. Denis Waitley says, "Motivation is a contraction of motive and idea and action. When you combine them, you get motivation." Hence, evaluate what you’re consuming for motivation and ensure you’re taking consistent steps to feel its energizing effects. Notable quotes: [03:39] If you want to have more good days, learn more. [03:50] [04:16] Motivation is oftentimes misunderstood. It's thought of as inspiration, and we can become inspired and we can gain inspiration. But we can also lose inspiration as time goes on. [04:28] [05:56] That process–becoming a habit and a commitment inside your calendar – are you organizing your life around that concept? Because if you are, you're going to have more great days. [06:05] Resources Mentioned:  The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  David Bush is a renowned success and results coach. He has helped countless individuals from all walks of life achieve extraordinary outcomes in both their personal and professional lives.
Discover the power of words to change your life! In today’s conversation, you will learn seven words that will transform your life. Matt O’Neill sits down with Becky Kemp who shares her incredible personal journey of overcoming challenges through focusing on her language and thoughts.  Becky reveals the seven words that transformed her perspective and helped her achieve her dreams. Learn directly from an expert on how language can impact your life in profound ways. Becky shares her methodology of daily affirmations to enhance your outlook and leave this conversation feeling motivated to enhance your reality – just by tweaking your daily words.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Discovering the power of words How focusing on "how" instead of "why" can help you move forward The transformative power of self-acceptance and positive affirmations Taking inspired action each day to achieve your goals Appreciating what you have and keeping a grateful mindset Continually aspiring to grow while embracing life's challenges [04:28] Changing Your Internal Dialogue We've heard that our thoughts become things, yet often give that power away to outside forces instead of recognizing the influence of our mindset. As Becky found, shifting her self-talk from blaming others to changing her own words profoundly altered her perspective. With awareness of our internal monologue-shaping experiences, we can consciously craft a new narrative and rewrite our story.  [09:50] The 7 Words That Can Reshape Your Reality The seven simple words that Becky shares in her book and discussion are: Acknowledge - This involves openly acknowledging what you want out of life, such as dreams, desires, or goals. Speaking our aspirations aloud to others is the first step to manifesting them. Ask - Focusing on "how" questions instead of "why" to keep thoughts solution-oriented. Being curious and asking for guidance moves us forward in a positive way. Accept - Learning to find acceptance for where we are now and what we cannot control. Letting go of resistance allows us to take responsible action. Abundance - Shifting to an abundant mindset that sees limitless opportunities and resources available to achieve our goals. Focusing on positivity over lack. Action - While visualizing our dreams, we must also take purposeful steps daily by committing to small tasks to make manifestations real. Appreciate - Cultivating gratitude for what we have now so that more goodness may grow. Keeping a thankful perspective lifts our mood. Aspire - Continually setting new goals and embracing life's challenges helps us reach our highest potential. There is always room for growth. Incorporating these powerful words into our daily routines through self-talk and affirmations can transform our perspectives and help us create the realities we desire. By focusing on these words, we can shift our internal dialogue to be more positive and solution-oriented. Notable quotes: [04:28] Change your words and you can change your life. [04:30]  [14:37] When you acknowledge things, all of a sudden, the path becomes clearer for the next step. [14:44] [18:11] We have to learn to find acceptance in life because there's very little we have control of. [18:16] Resources Mentioned:  The Word Effect podcast The WORD EFFECT by Becky Kemp The Secret by Rhonda Byrne Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Becky Kemp is a certified life coach and host of the popular podcast "The Word Effect”. Through her own experiences overcoming adversity, she discovered the profound impact that positive self-talk can have on one's life. Becky went on to write the book The Word Effect to help others apply the principles of language and manifestation. 
By embracing life's challenges from a place of open-hearted understanding, we can transform even pain and fear into opportunities for growth. But how do we do that exactly? In this episode, Matt O'Neill welcomes Dr. Tracey Johnson, aka “the heart communicator," to discuss her powerful philosophy of loving from within. Tired of searching for happiness outside ourselves, Tracey found the key to joy by opening her heart and listening to its wisdom. Learn how you can get access to Dr. Tracey Johnson’s 4-step process that she uses to help clients shift into a state of unconditional love and self-acceptance – so you can start living with your heart wide open. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Finding inner treasure in heartbreak Love is all there is Love as a creative power Why an open heart is key to healing [00:58] Finding Inner Treasure in Heartbreak When our heart is "broken" during times of emotional pain or loss, it is opening us up rather than shattering us. If we are open to inner transformation, we allow our inherent qualities – such as strength, wisdom, and compassion – to emerge so we can experience life as our richest, most authentic selves. [01:51] Love is All There Is Love is the fundamental creative force that gives life and animates all things. While love can be expressed in many forms, the extent to which we experience it and can express it ourselves depends on the openness of our hearts. Only by opening our hearts can we allow love to flow in from within, according to Dr. Tracey. With an open heart, we gain the capacity to both receive love and manifest it in the world through our thoughts, words, and actions. [03:20] Love as a Creative Power Love is not just an emotion, but rather a creative power. It creates our reality and allows us to experience peace, joy, passion, purpose, and all that we intend in life. To access this power from within and experience love in this way, our hearts must be open – open to receiving love flowing in from the inside out. With a closed heart, we block the creative power of love and limit our ability to manifest a fulfilling life experience according to our highest intentions and desires. [04:30] The Illusion of Protection: Why an Open Heart is Key to Healing When we build walls around our heart in an attempt to protect it from pain, we are not protecting it at all. Rather than letting the pain flow through us, we end up trapping it inside by walling it up. This causes us to be closed off from new experiences of love. Open the heart instead, to receive the power of unconditional love from within ourselves. With an open heart, pain can be released rather than stored internally. This allows us to freely experience love and healing on an inner level, which is the true path to overcoming emotional blocks and suffering according to Dr. Johnson's philosophy. Notable quotes: [00:58] Open your heart to receive love from the inside out, because if you don't go within, you go without. [01:06] [01:51] Everything that we experience, we experience through our hearts. [01:56] [02:41] Love is all there is. It is the creative force, which gives life to everything and everyone. [02:55] [04:30] You have to have a heart that is open so that the experience can flow in and through your heart. [04:38] Resources Mentioned:  Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Dr. Tracey J. Johnson is a life coach and practitioner of heart-based philosophy. She holds a doctorate in philosophy and is known as the "Heart Communicator" for her work assisting clients in emotional healing. 
We've all felt betrayed before, and it hurts. When it happens, it hurts. We feel a mix of emotions, like anger, sadness, distrust, and even shame. But we don’t want to stay feeling this way. There is a way to move beyond betrayal and find your happiness again.  In this episode, Matt teaches his 6-step pathway to move beyond betrayal and move to forgiveness. You will need this lesson at some point, and it’s a great idea to be ready with the answers before you need them.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Why anger, sadness, and disappointment are secondary emotions The six steps for moving past betrayal Chris Singleton’s inspiring story of forgiveness [01:09] Why Anger is Only a Secondary Emotion Matt says anger is always a secondary emotion that comes in to protect our primary, underlying emotion. When we feel betrayed or hurt, the initial root emotion we feel is vulnerability, sadness, or disappointment. Anger seeks to defend our vulnerability and make us feel stronger in the face of pain. Other secondary emotions include sadness, distrust, and insecurity. However, Matt emphasizes addressing the primary emotion underneath anger, rather than getting caught in a cycle of justifying our angry words and actions. Staying present with feelings of hurt or sadness with compassion is healthier than reacting angrily in the long run. [04:57] The 6-Step Process for Moving Past Hurt Feelings Through Forgiveness Don't "box yourself in" by acting in anger through words or actions. Use the techniques in Byron Katie's "The Work" to question thoughts and see different perspectives. Be honest about how you genuinely feel while avoiding manipulation. Pray sincerely for forgiveness, compassion, and new understanding. Be open to symbols that may come through prayer as guidance. Choose forgiveness by letting go of resentment and recognizing others owe you nothing. [33:03] A Gift of Forgiveness: Chris Singleton's Inspirational Story Chris Singleton's story is one of the most powerful examples of forgiveness. After losing his mother in a tragic hate crime shooting at the Charleston church, Chris showed extraordinary compassion by facing her murderer in court. Instead of words of anger or vengeance, Chris offered the gift of forgiveness. When asked how he did it, Chris said he didn’t, but God did. Notable quotes: [11:33] Somebody might have cut us once, but we cut ourselves a thousand times every time we think about how hurt we are and how sad we are. [11:40] [11:23] Who you are today is someone who is powerful and strong. That hurt is now in the past – and the only time we're hurting ourselves is (over and over and over again) in our minds. [11:32] [15:38] Anger and happiness cannot exist at the same time. [15:39] Resources Mentioned:  Interview with Chris Singleton The Work - Byron Katie Loving What Is by Byron Katie Leadership and Self-Deception by Arbinger Institute Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.
Laugh 15 Times a Day

Laugh 15 Times a Day


Tune in to this episode as Matt sits down with humor expert Conor Cunneen. Conor shares an intriguing statistic - while children laugh around 300 times per day, adults only chuckle about 15 times. But as Conor reminds us, nothing boosts your mood like a good laugh.  From research on laughter habits to recounting a hilarious family blunder of his own, Conor provides practical tips to lighten moods and help important messages stick. Conor reveals you don't have to be a stand-up to engage your audience - just learn to find the funny in your everyday experiences.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Adding humor to presentations Using humor for workplace safety Capturing daily moments of laughter [00:58] The Funny Factor Conor notes you don't need to be a comedian to incorporate humor into presentations. While adults laugh 15 times daily, we've likely laughed 100 times in the past week alone. Yet most recall only a couple laughs. Though humor surrounds us, we fail to capture small laughter moments. By consciously spotting amusing anecdotes and observations, you can learn to find the funny and help audiences recall the message with a smile. [02:35] A Funny Family Mishap Conor shares how everyday humor can enhance presentations. He recounts picking up his granddaughter Maggie from soccer practice and jokingly trying to join her and his wife in the backseat. To his embarrassment, as the designated driver, Conor soon found himself locked inside by the child lock! He ended up having to call his daughter to let him out, providing a lighthearted anecdote that illustrates Conor's point about finding comedy in everyday life. [06:17] Capturing Joy & Counting Laughs Matt challenges us to count how many times we laugh each day for a week. Nothing feels better than a good laugh. Capture funny memories through photos or videos like happy children do. Recalling past moments of laughter is a great way to feel good even on less cheerful days. Notable quotes: [00:58] You don't have to be funny to be funny. [01:01] - Conor [06:00] Children laugh 300 times a day... The average adult laughs 15 times a day. [06:08] - Matt  [07:45] Make a memory of (this) laughter because... when we think back on our life, what we have is our memories. [07:52] - Matt Resources Mentioned:  Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Conor Cunneen is an Irish humorist and keynote speaker. Known as "The Irish Man Speaks,” he teaches organizations how to incorporate more laughter into presentations and workplace culture.
Being a "nice guy" is not always the best approach, especially not when getting the approval of others comes at the expense of staying true to yourself. When we're constantly saying "yes" just to avoid upsetting others, it can be easy to lose touch with what's really important to us individually.  In this episode, Matt O'Neill sits down with men's coach Chuck Chapman to discuss the importance of integrity in living an authentic, purposeful life. Matt and Chuck debate practical examples of when "being nice" helps or hurts, and the line between people-pleasing and integrity.  Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Integrity's impact on happiness and well-being  Virtues of courage and humility as foundations for integrity Integrity as the integration of virtues Maintaining integrity and balance in relationships and decisions Balance, accountability, forgiveness, and trust [06:31] Courage as the North Star of All Virtues According to Chuck, courage is the "North Star of all virtues." He sees courage as the first step toward living with integrity. Courage is necessary in order to do any virtue, because it takes courage to override our natural instincts and do what aligns with our values and integrity. Living with integrity often requires having difficult conversations or facing pain, which is where courage comes in. As Scott Peck said, courage isn't the absence of fear but the ability to move forward in its face.  [16:21] Integrity as an Integration of Virtues Chuck realized integrity is not just one single thing, but rather an integration or combination of virtues. He describes living with integrity as similar to how all the individual parts of a watch (sprockets, springs, cogs etc.) need to be in alignment and integrated for the watch to serve its purpose of telling time. In the same way, he believes the 16 virtues need to be integrated within a person for them to be able to serve their highest purpose and live without inner conflict or suffering that comes from being out of integrity. [18:29] "Nice Guy" vs. "Man of Integrity" Chuck is making an important distinction between being a "nice guy" and being a "man of integrity." He states that the opposite of a "nice guy" is not a jerk - but what he calls a "man of integrity." He suggests that while a nice guy's niceness often comes from a place of seeking approval or avoiding conflict, a man of integrity acts from a place of genuine care, following his values and staying true to himself even if it's not the easiest thing to do. This highlights how integrity requires courage rather than just being pleasant, and speaks to the discussion around discerning when "being nice" helps or hurts one's character. Notable quotes: [07:03] Courage really is the first step of living in integrity because it takes an act of courage to do that. [07:11] [12:01] When you live in love, and grace and compassion and humility, you feel a whole lot better. [12:10] [18:29] The opposite of a nice guy isn't a jerk… it’s what I call a man of integrity. [18:35] [22:55] If all I'm doing is loving everybody else, and not loving myself, then what happens is, I'm out of balance. [23:00] Resources Mentioned:  Gobundance Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Chuck Chapman is a licensed therapist and men's coach with over 15 years of experience helping men live authentically. His upcoming book "Finding Your Way Without Losing Yourself: The Path of Integrity" draws from his personal journey of discovering integrity after his life fell apart.
Start your day the sweet way with happiness hacks from Lynne Bowman. Matt interviews Lynn who shares her unconventional recipe for a good mood - brownies for breakfast.  As the author of Brownies for Breakfast, Lynne explains how enjoying your favorite treats in the morning can boost happiness. She also dives into the science behind how the foods we eat impact our energy levels and overall well-being.  Discover simple diet tips from Lynne on feeling your best every day, even with a little chocolate in the morning! Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation:  Brownies for breakfast? Lynne shares her simple recipe for happiness Cut the crap: The importance of whole, unprocessed foods Darren Hardy's fast food challenge and the impact on energy [01:18] A Sweet Start to Happiness Lynne reveals how enjoying your favorite treats first thing in the morning, like brownies, can provide an unexpected mood boost. As the author of Brownies for Breakfast, she explains how allowing yourself small indulgences each day in the form of dessert for breakfast keeps you feeling happy and satisfied. [02:11] Ditch the Processed Junk Lynne gets real about how cutting highly processed snack foods and fast food from your diet makes a noticeable difference in your energy levels. She advocates preparing simple, homemade meals with whole ingredients for a natural boost without the crash. [03:15] No Fast Food Forever Matt shares his experience taking Darren Hardy's challenge to never eat fast food again. To his surprise, the few times he broke the rules left him feeling terrible. Lynne explains the science behind why our bodies crave and then reject highly processed convenience foods. Notable quotes: [01:49] It's simple. Stop eating crap.  Eat real food. [01:57] [02:11] Of all the things in your life that are going to make you happy, eating well is going to be one of the main ones. [02:13] [05:20] Get the most whole food in our diet and that's going to increase our energy the most. [05:24] Resources Mentioned:  Brownies for Breakfast by Lynne Bowman The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here!  Or, reach out on our contact page at and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request. About the Guest  Lynne Bowman is a grandmother, dietitian and cookbook author based in Atlanta, Georgia. With over 25 years of experience in nutrition counseling, she has a special interest in recipes and meal plans for those with diabetes or other dietary restrictions. 