DiscoverGood Mood RevolutionEarning with Passion: Transforming Your Work Into Your Calling with Kimmy Powell
Earning with Passion: Transforming Your Work Into Your Calling with Kimmy Powell

Earning with Passion: Transforming Your Work Into Your Calling with Kimmy Powell

Update: 2024-04-22


It’s time to have PASSION in your work-life. In this episode, Kimmy Powell shares how you can discover your true calling.

Kimmy also provides a simple process from her book "The Passion and Purpose Project" that will help you reflect on interests, skills, and childhood dreams. She'll guide you in ruling out wrong fits and taking inspired action. Tune in to hear Kimmy's tips for awakening your inner passion. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • Awakening the inner child to find your true passion and calling

  • How to get started with finding your calling

  • How God guides us from whispers to knocks

  • Find your path through self-awareness

  • How to start with the end in mind

[06:19 ] Awakening the Inner Child to Find Your True Passion and Calling

Think back to what stuff excited you most as a kid before other people shaped your thinking. Remembering what you loved to do then can give you clues to your natural abilities and gifts. Reconnecting with that youthful part of yourself helps bring clarity around your real passions and purpose in life.

[16:30 ] Finding Your Path Through Self-Awareness

A lot of times people have an idea in their head of what they wanna do that's not realistic. And so, you’ve got to figure out what you really want versus what's actually possible. Cross off options that won't work to get clear on what's truly best for you. It's good to know what you don't want too, because that helps you put all the pieces together to see exactly what job would be the perfect fit.

[19:44 ] God's Guidance: From Whispers to Knocks

God first gently whispers ideas and insights to you. Then if you don't listen to the whispers, God will start shouting louder messages through more obvious signs or experiences. And if you still don't listen, God may ultimately deliver an experience that "knocks you over the head" – and leaves no doubt about the direction or lesson He is trying to impart.

[27:37 ] How to Start with the End in Mind

Think about how you wanna be remembered after you're gone - what difference or things you want people to say about you. Having a clear picture of your future self can help with choices now. Beginning by thinking big picture about goals and dreams keeps you focused on truly achieving your full potential.

Notable quotes:

[11:38 ] The child always knows roughly what they want to be – who they are at their core. [11:43 ]

[14:42 ] If you can just find your lane, you don't really need to know where it ends. You just need to know that you're on the right highway. [14:50 ]

[19:44 ] God whispers, then God shouts, and then God knocks you over the head. [19:47 ]

[27:12 ] Design a life that is centered around you and not so much around what you think you should be – but what you actually are. [27:21 ]

Resources Mentioned: 

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About the Guest 

Kimberly K. Powell is a mentor, author, speaker, angel investor, and serial entrepreneur with 30+ years of expertise in building and scaling multiple seven-figure businesses. She has advised people worldwide to find their true passion through her book, "The Passion and Purpose Project."









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Earning with Passion: Transforming Your Work Into Your Calling with Kimmy Powell

Earning with Passion: Transforming Your Work Into Your Calling with Kimmy Powell

Matt O'Neill