DiscoverGood Mood RevolutionPower of Words: 7 Words That Will Change Your Life with Becky Kemp
Power of Words: 7 Words That Will Change Your Life with Becky Kemp

Power of Words: 7 Words That Will Change Your Life with Becky Kemp

Update: 2024-04-01


Discover the power of words to change your life! In today’s conversation, you will learn seven words that will transform your life. Matt O’Neill sits down with Becky Kemp who shares her incredible personal journey of overcoming challenges through focusing on her language and thoughts. 

Becky reveals the seven words that transformed her perspective and helped her achieve her dreams. Learn directly from an expert on how language can impact your life in profound ways. Becky shares her methodology of daily affirmations to enhance your outlook and leave this conversation feeling motivated to enhance your reality – just by tweaking your daily words. 

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • Discovering the power of words

  • How focusing on "how" instead of "why" can help you move forward

  • The transformative power of self-acceptance and positive affirmations

  • Taking inspired action each day to achieve your goals

  • Appreciating what you have and keeping a grateful mindset

  • Continually aspiring to grow while embracing life's challenges

[04:28 ] Changing Your Internal Dialogue

We've heard that our thoughts become things, yet often give that power away to outside forces instead of recognizing the influence of our mindset. As Becky found, shifting her self-talk from blaming others to changing her own words profoundly altered her perspective. With awareness of our internal monologue-shaping experiences, we can consciously craft a new narrative and rewrite our story. 

[09:50 ] The 7 Words That Can Reshape Your Reality

The seven simple words that Becky shares in her book and discussion are:

  1. Acknowledge - This involves openly acknowledging what you want out of life, such as dreams, desires, or goals. Speaking our aspirations aloud to others is the first step to manifesting them.

  2. Ask - Focusing on "how" questions instead of "why" to keep thoughts solution-oriented. Being curious and asking for guidance moves us forward in a positive way.

  3. Accept - Learning to find acceptance for where we are now and what we cannot control. Letting go of resistance allows us to take responsible action.

  4. Abundance - Shifting to an abundant mindset that sees limitless opportunities and resources available to achieve our goals. Focusing on positivity over lack.

  5. Action - While visualizing our dreams, we must also take purposeful steps daily by committing to small tasks to make manifestations real.

  6. Appreciate - Cultivating gratitude for what we have now so that more goodness may grow. Keeping a thankful perspective lifts our mood.

  7. Aspire - Continually setting new goals and embracing life's challenges helps us reach our highest potential. There is always room for growth.

Incorporating these powerful words into our daily routines through self-talk and affirmations can transform our perspectives and help us create the realities we desire. By focusing on these words, we can shift our internal dialogue to be more positive and solution-oriented.

Notable quotes:

[04:28 ] Change your words and you can change your life. [04:30

[14:37 ] When you acknowledge things, all of a sudden, the path becomes clearer for the next step. [14:44 ]

[18:11 ] We have to learn to find acceptance in life because there's very little we have control of. [18:16 ]

Resources Mentioned: 

The Word Effect podcast

The WORD EFFECT by Becky Kemp

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

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About the Guest 

Becky Kemp is a certified life coach and host of the popular podcast "The Word Effect”. Through her own experiences overcoming adversity, she discovered the profound impact that positive self-talk can have on one's life. Becky went on to write the book The Word Effect to help others apply the principles of language and manifestation. 









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Power of Words: 7 Words That Will Change Your Life with Becky Kemp

Power of Words: 7 Words That Will Change Your Life with Becky Kemp

Matt O'Neill