DiscoverGood Mood RevolutionChoosing Joy in Times of Stress with Dr. Laurel Mellin
Choosing Joy in Times of Stress with Dr. Laurel Mellin

Choosing Joy in Times of Stress with Dr. Laurel Mellin

Update: 2024-05-13


Stressful times can steal our joy if we let them. But you can choose joy during times of stress if you know the techniques. In this episode, Dr. Lauren Mellin explains her method for choosing joy called Emotional Brain Training. It is more effective for long-term happiness than just “thinking positive.”

Lauren shares powerful techniques for overcoming stress and negative emotions through accessing your unconscious mind and rewiring unhelpful brain patterns. Listen to learn about the 5 levels of stress and simple exercises you can do to shift your state from anxiety or overwhelm into a place of calm and purpose. 

Lauren also discusses the importance of community in her Emotional Brain Training program. Tune in today for an uplifting discussion on prioritizing your mental health and staying connected to joy even during challenging times.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • How to stay feeling your best

  • The 5 levels of stress

  • Stress as the “new joy”

  • The difference between CBT and EBT

  • The importance of social connection in emotional brain training

[04:37 ] How to Stay Feeling Your Best

Laurel talks about being in a state of joy, or "Brain State 1" as she calls it. In this state, your thinking brain and emotional brain are connected, making you feel naturally spiritual. You also feel closely connected to your body and aware of your emotions. When in this state, you feel a sense of higher purpose. However, as humans we have bodies evolved for survival, which can cause stress responses that disconnect us from this joyful state. Therefore, we need to use techniques like emotional brain training to outsmart how our bodies deal with stress, so we can stay feeling our best and most connected.

[05:46 ] The 5 Levels of Stress

  1. Brain State 1 - Everything is wonderful and you feel love, gratitude, hope, etc.

  2. Brain State 2 - You're okay but don't feel very inspired.

  3. Brain State 3 - Your feelings are scattered and you feel a bit anxious or stressed.

  4. Brain State 4 - You feel stuck in your body and not very good.

  5. Brain State 5 - Your brain feels absolutely split and you may experience extremes in emotions and behaviors.

[28:36 ] Stress as the New Joy

Laurel explains that getting triggered down to Brain State 5, the lowest state, can be reframed as an opportunity rather than something negative. When in state 5, you can use emotional brain training techniques to clear out "clutter" in the deeper, unconscious parts of your brain. This prevents you from carrying painful emotions with you long-term. She wants people to see state 5 as a chance to change your brain's wiring so you don't have to constantly feel on edge. With EBT, stress can become "the new joy" by using it as a way to process emotions and feel relief.

[30:50 ] CBT vs. EBT: Targeting Thoughts vs. Emotions

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on changing negative thoughts to improve mood and behavior, while emotional brain training (EBT) addresses the deeper unconscious emotions behind thoughts. EBT uses techniques to access and process underlying emotions quickly through the body's sensations, in order to rewire unhelpful brain circuits and maintain a state of joy and connection between the thinking and emotional parts of the brain.

Resources Mentioned: 

Emotional Brain Training

1-2-3 Joy! 

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About the Guest 

Dr. Laurel Mellin is a psychologist and author who has been developing techniques in emotional brain training for over 40 years. She founded the Emotional Brain Training program and app to help people access their unconscious minds, process negative emotions quickly, and rewire unhelpful brain circuits to maintain a state of joy









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Choosing Joy in Times of Stress with Dr. Laurel Mellin

Choosing Joy in Times of Stress with Dr. Laurel Mellin

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