DiscoverGood Mood RevolutionLiving Open-Hearted with Dr. Tracey J. Johnson
Living Open-Hearted with Dr. Tracey J. Johnson

Living Open-Hearted with Dr. Tracey J. Johnson

Update: 2024-03-28


By embracing life's challenges from a place of open-hearted understanding, we can transform even pain and fear into opportunities for growth. But how do we do that exactly?

In this episode, Matt O'Neill welcomes Dr. Tracey Johnson, aka “the heart communicator," to discuss her powerful philosophy of loving from within. Tired of searching for happiness outside ourselves, Tracey found the key to joy by opening her heart and listening to its wisdom.

Learn how you can get access to Dr. Tracey Johnson’s 4-step process that she uses to help clients shift into a state of unconditional love and self-acceptance – so you can start living with your heart wide open.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

  • Finding inner treasure in heartbreak

  • Love is all there is

  • Love as a creative power

  • Why an open heart is key to healing

[00:58 ] Finding Inner Treasure in Heartbreak

When our heart is "broken" during times of emotional pain or loss, it is opening us up rather than shattering us. If we are open to inner transformation, we allow our inherent qualities – such as strength, wisdom, and compassion – to emerge so we can experience life as our richest, most authentic selves.

[01:51 ] Love is All There Is

Love is the fundamental creative force that gives life and animates all things. While love can be expressed in many forms, the extent to which we experience it and can express it ourselves depends on the openness of our hearts. Only by opening our hearts can we allow love to flow in from within, according to Dr. Tracey. With an open heart, we gain the capacity to both receive love and manifest it in the world through our thoughts, words, and actions.

[03:20 ] Love as a Creative Power

Love is not just an emotion, but rather a creative power. It creates our reality and allows us to experience peace, joy, passion, purpose, and all that we intend in life. To access this power from within and experience love in this way, our hearts must be open – open to receiving love flowing in from the inside out. With a closed heart, we block the creative power of love and limit our ability to manifest a fulfilling life experience according to our highest intentions and desires.

[04:30 ] The Illusion of Protection: Why an Open Heart is Key to Healing

When we build walls around our heart in an attempt to protect it from pain, we are not protecting it at all. Rather than letting the pain flow through us, we end up trapping it inside by walling it up. This causes us to be closed off from new experiences of love. Open the heart instead, to receive the power of unconditional love from within ourselves. With an open heart, pain can be released rather than stored internally. This allows us to freely experience love and healing on an inner level, which is the true path to overcoming emotional blocks and suffering according to Dr. Johnson's philosophy.

Notable quotes:

[00:58 ] Open your heart to receive love from the inside out, because if you don't go within, you go without. [01:06 ]

[01:51 ] Everything that we experience, we experience through our hearts. [01:56 ]

[02:41 ] Love is all there is. It is the creative force, which gives life to everything and everyone. [02:55 ]

[04:30 ] You have to have a heart that is open so that the experience can flow in and through your heart. [04:38 ]

Resources Mentioned: 

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About the Guest 

Dr. Tracey J. Johnson is a life coach and practitioner of heart-based philosophy. She holds a doctorate in philosophy and is known as the "Heart Communicator" for her work assisting clients in emotional healing. 









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Living Open-Hearted with Dr. Tracey J. Johnson

Living Open-Hearted with Dr. Tracey J. Johnson

Matt O'Neill