DiscoverThe Healthy Brain Podcast013 Social Awareness: Making Our Own Choices About Our Health
013 Social Awareness: Making Our Own Choices About Our Health

013 Social Awareness: Making Our Own Choices About Our Health

Update: 2020-05-05



As Americans, you are free to make your own choices when it comes to your health. During this Coronavirus pandemic, social connections are not the only aspects that are being tested, but also social awareness towards freedom. In this episode, Carrie Miller opens up this discussion about the social, economic, psychological, and even political aspects that are being stirred because of the pandemic. Every single day, people take risks whether they know it or not, and they make decisions to the best of their ability. The choice to adhere to government standards concerning the current situation depends on you because you have freedom as an American. In the end, we all need to ask ourselves: what is our health worth?

Listen to the podcast here:

Social Awareness: Making Our Own Choices About Our Health

In episode twelve, we not only discussed social connection versus social isolation and creative ways to be social and find connection, but we touched on the right as an American to be free. To make your own choices when it comes to your health which leads me deep into a topic of our conversation and that would be social awareness. I’m sure many of you have read the book, The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. It is one of my all-time favorite books. Do you remember that first sentence of Chapter 1? It says, “It’s not about you.” He’s right. It’s not about me. Philippians 2:3 says, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility, count others more significant than yourself.” It talks about catering to the needs of others rather than our own. That may mean for us to raise our own social awareness of the needs and emotions of those around us. I’m not shoving their feelings aside, but looking for ways to help and support others when they need us. Many friends and family members questioned why I speak boldly and why I choose to exercise my right in this country to preach on health specifically brain health. We live in America, the home of the free and the brave. It takes some courage to step out in faith and start this show. It’s not easy because most individuals don’t like the criticism of others, not even the slightest bit. That didn’t deter me, not one iota, not at my age.

Health Is Necessary For Life

I grew up with some hardworking parents who supported me by letting me make my own decisions. When I was younger, they didn’t coddle me. They didn’t attend everything I participated in. They didn’t do my homework. They didn’t pick up the pieces when I failed and that was called tough love and still is. I’m grateful for that, they raised me to be a strong independent thinker. Let me get back to the question. Why did I start this show? I started this show for you. It surely wasn’t to line my pockets. In fact, I don’t make a dime off podcasting. Other podcasters would frown upon that because you can make money in podcasting, no doubt. Eventually, that will come but it’s not my priority. My priority is my message. I’ve invested and continued to invest thousands of dollars in a platform that allows me to have the freedom to speak truth to others to serve you. Why? As you’ve noticed, your health is a necessity for life. If you don’t have your health, if your immune system is down, then how can you fulfill the purpose God has for you here on this Earth? I was thinking, my brain never shuts off. Maybe the freedom that we have here to make our own choices about the health may be the issue. We may be our own worst enemy. When I advocate for taking control of your own health most of you may be saying, “I’m exercising my freedom. I eat whatever I want when I want.”


Fried chicken has been a big staple in our house for years. My mama,
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013 Social Awareness: Making Our Own Choices About Our Health

013 Social Awareness: Making Our Own Choices About Our Health

Carrie Miller