DiscoverThe Healthy Brain Podcast026 Healthy Lifestyle – The Difference Between Surviving And Thriving
026 Healthy Lifestyle – The Difference Between Surviving And Thriving

026 Healthy Lifestyle – The Difference Between Surviving And Thriving

Update: 2020-08-11



We have been brought up to put so much trust in conventional medicine to cure whatever ails our bodies that we tend to underestimate the power of a healthy lifestyle in preventing disease and promoting a healthy life. Health is what distinguishes thriving from mere surviving. It allows us to feel alive, feel well, grow, expand our horizons and flourish. Naturally, everyone wants to be healthy. But when it comes to your health, do you choose to constrain yourself within the Band-Aid solutions of conventional medicine or do you take it upon yourself to ensure you’re living healthy and disease-free? In this episode, Carrie Miller encourages us to take a look at how our food choices and lifestyle habits determine our health and make the choice to be proactive about it.

Listen to the podcast here:

Healthy Lifestyle – The Difference Between Surviving And Thriving

Let me start out by saying, we can all agree that the human race is wired for survival, but is it about surviving or thriving? Surviving is existing and thriving is flourishing, developing and growing. Are you looking to exist in this world? Are you looking to grow and flourish? I’m sure our answers are the same. We want to be alive, feel well, grow, expand our horizons and flourish. To do that, you’ve got to be healthy. My question to you is this. When it comes to your health, do you choose the quick fix temporary solution from conventional methods of medicine or do you do your own research to find the alternative approach to a healthy lifestyle? Do you follow along with the protocols they’ve been promoting for decades, like complying? Are you studying science coming up with your own conclusions and finding your doctor who’s like-minded?

If you’re wanting to work on yourself and bypass any chance of developing a chronic disease of any kind, then more than ever, it’s time to wake up to reality as we sit here. In August of 2020, we’ve got a virus lingering longer than anyone expected. More than likely you’re pretty freaking out. If you have any comorbidities, any chronic disease of any kind, then you, my friend, have a huge target on your back. What are you going to do about it? Those masks and the social distancing are not working. Please think before you react to my comment, because most of the people who died of COVID wore the masks and social distanced. Some even were in lockdown, but the majority, they had health issues, some comorbidities and maybe obesity, perhaps they even were an alcoholic or heavy smoker.

Have you ever spoken to people who’ve been cured of heart disease, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, perhaps dementia? When was the last time you heard that people were cured of a chronic disease after taking years of prescription drugs? I personally can’t name one, but I have heard of thousands of people who have been cured of chronic disease by changing their food choices and lifestyle habits. It’s happening all around the world, but here in the USA, it’s being thrown out as false information in mainstream media. Unconventional doctors are being called quacks. I’ve even had a doctor tell me after asking questions say, “That information you’re reading online on that procedure is false. It’s all been debunked,” then he proceeded to laugh. I made a choice to excuse myself from the chair before I was even examined because his procedure was not up to my standards when it comes to my own health.

My health matters to me. You have every right to question your doctor. Don’t think you don’t. You have every right to walk respectfully out of their office if you don’t believe in their protocol. You have a choice to choose the doctor you want to work with so that you can feel better long-term and live a happy life instead of a life full of fear and despair. I want to encourage you to look around you.
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026 Healthy Lifestyle – The Difference Between Surviving And Thriving

026 Healthy Lifestyle – The Difference Between Surviving And Thriving

Carrie Miller