DiscoverThe Healthy Brain Podcast014 Eating Right For Your Brain
014 Eating Right For Your Brain

014 Eating Right For Your Brain

Update: 2020-05-12



It’s easy to underestimate the importance of a healthy diet in maintaining the health of your brain, but such is the nature of our body being its own little interconnected ecosystem. Whatever you put into your body will have a severe impact on your brain as well, so you’ve got to start eating right. Carrie Miller talks about what a healthy diet means in relation to the health of your brain. Don’t try to separate your brain from the rest of your body because at the end of the day, it is a part of your body – and a vital one at that. With Carrie’s healthy brain diet tips, your mind will be just as strong as your body.

Listen to the podcast here:

Eating Right For Your Brain

You won’t find any sugarcoating in this space. I guarantee you that, especially when we talk about our topic. I know you’re going to love this. It’s the topic that everybody wants to debate about because we hear many conflicting stories out there. What am I talking about? When it comes to food we eat, what is healthy? I’m going to be talking about a list of six things you can implement because, let’s face it, that lockdown diet did not serve us well. We gorged on chips and dip, got some ice cream, and thinking those gluten-free cookies were doing the trick. We were ignoring that sugar content. I hear you all. I was right there with you. I was challenged.

The Good Fight

I went through my own battles with the junk food giant. I was spreading that love to the love handles. I was sagging in places I never thought possible. Thank the Lord I got my mind right, looked myself in the mirror and said to myself, “I refuse to make this a habit.” Let’s get back in the game and fight the good fight to stay healthy. One day we will have grandkids. No sign of any yet on my end, but I want them so bad. How about you? Stop and think for a minute. What is your ‘why’? Some of you have got some little blessings running around, some little guys and girls.

How’s your stamina at this point in time? Are you able to wrestle with them, play ball and jump rope or at least attempt to rise somewhere on the corner? It’s the simple things. How’s your mental health? Are you having some intelligent conversations about life, sharing creative ideas with them? There are those teachable moments when we can talk about how detrimental toxic environments can be in reference to land our people. Are you prepared to answer the questions those kids are going to be asking when it comes to science and the studies behind keeping your body and brain healthy? Those are topics we need to be discussing with them. Maybe you have a loved one with dementia and you see the devastating results of the disease and how it affects everyone in the family.

Ask yourself, “What is my ‘why’?” You might not even care. You may be living the life. You’re financially stable, feeling good, and thinking you don’t need anybody giving you advice on staying healthy and that’s fine. If that’s you, then stop right here. Please stop reading because this is not for you. This is for the truth seeker. The one willing to step out of that comfort zone, that space of comfort we’re used to. That individual who’s willing to look at alternative ways to feel and look good again instead of taking the next pill. That person who challenges the status quo and has the drive to push through in hard times because their ‘why’ is big enough. If that’s you, I’m excited you’re here. Let’s dive right into what you can do to get your health back.

Number one is to buy food that has no label. That would be foods that are powerful, healing foods that detoxify, that are anti-inflammatory and brain healthy. Eat smart carbs.
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014 Eating Right For Your Brain

014 Eating Right For Your Brain

Carrie Miller