28. Sacred Daily Rituals
Emily discusses the importance of incorporating sacred daily practices or rituals into our lives. These practices, inspired by Ayurveda and other ancient wisdom, can enhance overall well-being and vitality. The 12 habits recommended that can be incorporated into daily life, including grounding, morning sunlight exposure, tongue scraping and oil pulling, warm water first thing in the morning, meditation, walking, Ayurvedic nasal care, nutritive herb infusions, daily decluttering, cooking for oneself, dry brushing with self-massage.
Nasya Oil talked about in this episode: https://paavaniayurveda.com/products/ayurvedic-nose-oil-nasya?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlIG2BhC4ARIsADBgpVSRrC7kSM1w4xYAjWVhr3I7CRKNdqyCIdRG58wdBJlxF3RR98BU-MwaAuKxEALw_wcB
You can find Emily’s curated skincare shop on her website here: https://stratumaesthetics.com/collections
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Find Emily on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY3I84QTWRiIMhsnxnd8Vmg
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