#78: The Fear of Fear Itself
What is the difference between rational and irrational fear?
How often does fear sabotage our success and set us up for failure?
How can unfounded fear lead to unethical decision-making?
These and other questions are tackled when The Rabbi and the Shrink tackle the topic of fear.
Here are the highlights:
FEAR: False Expectations Appearing Real
Why are we so afraid?
How much of irrational fear is rooted in ego?
Don't let fear stop you from doing what's right.
Courage is facing fear, not the absence of fear.
There's the fear of "no," but also the fear of "yes." Which is more debilitating?
We need a "board of advisors" we turn to when we are paralyzed by fear.
Don't be afraid of failure, since failure is the best teacher.
Reframe fear as excitement and eagerness.
If you're not nervous, you're not ready.
Churchill: Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
NASA: Failure to learn from failure is not an option.
Teddy Roosevelt: Not the critic but the man in the arena.
Silence your inner critic and surround yourself with people who will support you through your successes and your failures.
Risk greatness!