Archive Episode #53: Humility is the Doorway to Wisdom w/ Brooke Deterline
How do you tell the truth when there’s so much pressure to do the opposite?
How do we stop greasing the slippery slope to hell?
What is “ethical fading” and what can we do about it?
These and other compelling questions are addressed Courageous Leadership pioneer Brooke Deterline joins The Rabbi and the Shrink.
1:30 Our most real beliefs may not be true
“The Heroic Imagination Project”
It’s easy for good people to do the wrong thing under pressure
The danger of situational influences
“Now that we know, what will we do?”
8:00 Brooke’s own epiphany of moral vulnerability
Responding through social fitness against our biology
Professor Dumbledor’s wisdom to combat groupthink
Courageous democracy
Grief is a powerful connector
14:00 Strengthening ethical decision-making through cognitive behavior training
Physical mindfulness
Write down your negative automatic thoughts, i.e, fears
Identify the behaviors emerge in stressful situations and what’s the likely impact
What we can do that’s helpful to ourselves, e.g., give ourselves distance
We can always circle back if we don’t get it right in the moment
Forward-cast others in their best roles
22:00 Even if it’s not my fault, it might still be my responsibility
In teams, we learn how to give those around us the support they want and need
Don’t be afraid to ask
Simulations need real anxiety to create muscle memory
What are the outcomes we want based on our values?
33:00 Have we thought enough about our core values?
We may not have learned to articulate them
God created difficult people for our benefit
The domino system of learning empathy
Invite participants to take the role as leaders
39:00 The 4 stages of psychological safety
Belonging safety
Learning safety
Contribution safety
Challenger safety
Transform anxiety into excitement
Three contrarians can create safety to challenge
The danger of ethical fading
48:00 Why do we miss the gorilla in the room?
Learn to see in 3-D
Don’t trust yourself until the day you die
We need to keep each other honest
There’s no such thing as an expert
indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated.
- Decomposition into fragments or parts; disintegration.
- Termination or extinction by disintegration or dispersion:
- Indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery.
The dissolution of the empire was remarkably swift.
Joseph’s brothers and Reuben’s irresolution
When we see ourselves as individuals, we lose conviction in carrying though on our values
Connection with the right people is a source of moral strength