Avernus - Ep 4 (of 20)
Welcome back to Avernus! This arc features our awesome DM Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante) as Werner Ragnarok, Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt) as Hambone, and Laura Ezliabeth (@elhamstring) as the elderly murder machine Maude Buggins! The Stain captured Thavius Kreeg, and learned how he betrayed his city, before they killed him! Maude led the interrogation as the team’s heavy, Hambone traded an essay for access to an epic library, and Werner discovered there was a demon in his talking shield so he doomed it to eternal torment in captivity! Will giving up the shield’s power keep our heroes safe, or doom them in the end? NOBODY KNOWS CUZ IT’S ONE SHOOOOOOOTS! Enjoying One Shots? You can become a Patron of Dumb-Dumbs & Dice for as little as $1 a month at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice and gain access to a ton of extra BTS fun.