Avernus - Ep 9 (of 20)
Welcome back to Avernus! This arc features our awesome DM Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante) as Werner Ragnarok, Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt) as Hambone, and Laura Ezliabeth (@elhamstring) as the elderly murder machine Maude Buggins! Having journeyed into Lulu’s memories, our heroes are trapped in a heroic last stand! Werner focused on keeping away from the big enemies while pumping them full of arrows, Maude started calm but soon she was raging, and Hambone established he can grapple anyone! If the Stain die in a dream do they die in real life? NOBODY KNOWS CUZ IT’S ONE SHOOOOOOOTS! Enjoying One Shots? You can become a Patron of Dumb-Dumbs & Dice for as little as $1 a month at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice and gain access to a ton of extra BTS fun.