Eberron - Ep 5 (of 5)
Welcome to the final episode of our Eberron Session. This arc features our DM Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante) as Mr. Pig, Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt) as Peppercorn Littlefoot and Laura Elizabeth (@elhamstring) as resident badass Mercy! After finding their quarry dead and capturing an assassin, our heroes had to fight off an army of mercenaries trying to kill everyone onboard their train. Now they’ve had to team up with a Prince, Mr. Pig has been heavily injured, and they drove the train off the tracks! Will they be able to survive the monsters in the fog or will they be eaten or killed by the pursuing mercenaries?! NOBODY KNOWS CUZ IT’S ONE SHOTS! Enjoying One Shots? You can become a Patron of Dumb-Dumbs & Dice for as little as $1 a month at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice and gain access to a ton of extra BTS fun.