Avernus - Ep 6 (of 20)
Welcome back to Avernus! This arc features our awesome DM Tom McGee (@mcgeetd), Ryan LaPlante (@theryanlaplante) as Werner Ragnarok, Tyler Hewitt (@Tyler_Hewitt) as Hambone, and Laura Ezliabeth (@elhamstring) as the elderly murder machine Maude Buggins! Our heroes are in hell! Hambone revealed the breadth of his magical abilities but may be a bit tapped out in terms of spell slots, Maude Buggins raged through a combat that ended with her showered in blood, and Werner interrogated a devil, made a friend, and discovered that in hell you die forever! Will any of our heroes face an endless darkness? NOBODY KNOWS CUZ IT’S ONE SHOOOOOOOTS! Enjoying One Shots? You can become a Patron of Dumb-Dumbs & Dice for as little as $1 a month at www.patreon.com/dumbdumbdice and gain access to a ton of extra BTS fun.