Don’t Just Survive, Thrive!
Guest: Marli Du Toit
Breast cancer survivor (thriver) and Reach for Recovery SA ambassador Marli Du Toit, from Cape Town, South Africa, shares her #DaretoBeLove story.
Shortly after turning 40 and amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Marli faced a magnitude of challenges: divorce, job loss, breast cancer and isolation. In this episode, Marli vulnerably shares her courageous story of Finding Love in the Chaos of her life while undergoing breast cancer treatment during a pandemic, while navigating motherhood and job loss.
Now cancer-free, Marli has embarked on a journey of self-evolution and rediscovery, moving from a survivor to a thriver mentality. She shares advice on how to hold space for a loved one undergoing treatment for cancer, and how to shift one's perspective amid chaos.
About Marli:
Marli du Toit is a midlife model, mother, breast cancer survivor, activist & entrepreneur. Through compounded traumas shortly after turning 40 (divorce, COVID, job loss, cancer), she has been shifted onto an unexpected path from surviving to thriving through surrender and release.