Pain: Why Pushing it Away Only Hurts Us More
Trigger warnings (TW): Eating Disorders (ED), PTSD and Anxiety.
Jacqui and Tanagh dive into the first topic of the second step of the #DaretoBeLove journey: PAIN
In step 2 of the #DaretoBeLove journey, we move into the second element of the Four Elements of Self: The Mind. Here, we practice accepting ourselves through silencing our inner critic to process pain by looking deeply into our thoughts.
Pain, be it mental, emotional or physical, is an emotion many of us prefer to avoid, sometimes at all costs. However, pain is perfectly natural, something we all feel, and it is a powerful teacher highlighting areas in our lives where a moment of pause is needed for healing to happen. Jacqui and Tanagh share stories of their relationship with pain, the lessons and the powerful emotions that pain brings forth.
Once again, you are invited to check out the visual table of the Dare to Be Love Journey to help you understand the journey of real change.