Give Your Suffering a Voice
Guest: Harmony Kwiker from Colorado, USA.
Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders (ED), Suicide Ideation (SI) and Near-Death Experiences (NDEs).
Despite having wonderful parents, who worked as healers, Harmony experienced a NDE at the tender age of 5 months, causing her to suffer and influencing the person who she became.
After another traumatic experience at age 4, Harmony started to feel unsafe in the world causing her to set aside her own suffering to accommodate the perspective of how others thought she should be in the world. Adopting the role of a shapeshifter, Harmony attracted abusive relationships, allowing everyone around her to believe she was always okay.
After starting the practice of transcendental meditation at age 6, Harmony glimpsed at her future self and knew she was here to be a healer, a teacher, and an author. Despite this clarity, Harmony fell asleep to this message and went spiritually cold.
Suffering from SI, ED and depression in her early 20s, Harmony awakened to the knowledge that her voice mattered. This reawakening led Harmony to own her pain experience and reconnect with her True Self.
Her new book, ‘Align: Living and Loving from the True Self’ is now available. As a psychotherapist and author, Harmony is visiting instructor at Naropa University, where she teaches mindfulness-based transpersonal Gestalt counselling. She is also the founder of the Institute for Spiritual Alignment, where she trains therapists and coaches to bridge the divide between traditional and spiritual transformation.
Listen to how Harmony educates us on the Unconscious Death Urge and Life Urge, a term coined by breath worker Leonard Orr in the 70s’.
Find out more about Harmony Kwiker:
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