Ep 282 The FDA still hates you, but now so does Big Confection
Big Food, which is those mega-corporations, seem not to like you too very much. They'll take your cash, for sure, but don't start thinking about what the ingredients are in those "foods" they sell.
The food additives mentioned in Episode 278 are the source idea for this episode. It goes deeper than just food additives since the problems with our health goes deeper than just additives.
One question is who should be in control of banning certain products? The several states or the FDA? Considering the FDA's lackluster record of drug approval then removal, are they really the first best choice for making sweeping decisions about human health?
The final authority is the individual consumer, of course. If you aren't informed, you are not making good choices. As it happens, Big Confection doesn't want you to be informed.
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