Ep #81 A Life-Fully Lived: Choosing to Feel Your Emotions & Helping Your Children Do The Same
There's a difference between emotions and feelings. Emotions are the automatic physiological responses, and feelings are the cognitive awareness of those emotions. I'll explain why understanding the difference is important.
I'm also talking about how to genuinely feeling and processing your emotions. Despite being emotional creatures by nature, many of us struggle with truly feeling our emotions, often resisting, reacting, or distracting ourselves instead. I'm sharing some personal stories and practical insights today that will get you moving from emotional constipation to emotional freedom.
*IMPORTANT --> The FREE "5 Day Get Your Kids To WANT To Listen" Bootcamp started today and goes all week: Sept 23-27. It's not too late to join. If you want better listening, stronger parent-child relationships and more parenting confidence grab your spot here: https://cmp.works/bootcamp
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