Ep. 09 Freedom, Shame & Owning Your Whole Self - with Lauren Derrett from Wear 'Em Out
An insightful conversation with Lauren Derrett founder of Wear 'Em Out, the modern woman's way to period. Our conversation is intimate and authentic as Lauren always is, we break the stigma attached to period shame and open up about the importance of boundaries and what it means to take ownership for your whole self.
Lauren shares her journey of business parallel to the unfolding of Lockdown's 2020 and how prioritizing self-care is fundamental for building a business and what that looks like for her.
Click here to go to Lauren's Website: Wear 'Em Out Pads
Follow her on Instagram @wearemoutpads
Listen to Lauren's Podcast Here: Fifty Shades of Green
Show Notes:
Lauren talks about the studies done on Always Pads: womensvoices.org
And she shares the work of Suzy Reading
Inspo Pause
Behind Her Eyes - Netflix/BBC ( I have since watched it and it's brilliant)
Cilka's Journey by Heather Morris
Self Care for Tough Times - Suzy Reading
Finding the Funny
The Limitless Life Experience, Suzy Ashworth
Ellie & Anna Have Issues
Calm App