DiscoverLive Behind The VeilFinding God’s Love and Life in His Family
Finding God’s Love and Life in His Family

Finding God’s Love and Life in His Family

Update: 2024-04-19



In the family God’s love comes creating life everlasting for all. This is the plumbline we measure up to that we might return that love to Him.

Show Notes:

  • As we touch everyone with God’s love, their lives are transformed.

  • His love must control our lives.

  • Everything that we do and say must line up to the plumb line of God’s love.

  • True perception comes as we are filled with God's love.

  • We draw from God His love and minister it to others.

  • As we speak God’s Word to one another, we are building up His family.

  • His love and His life are synonymous.

  • The atmosphere created in small groups of believers lends itself for every person participating in God’s love.

  • A cry is coming out of God’s people to be His love in the earth.


  • Whatever we do and whatever we say, the Lord's love should be infused into it.

  • Success in the eyes of the Lord is touching somebody with His love, transforming their lives.

  • ...the creativity of God only flows through His love.

  • If you love someone enough you could say anything to them no matter how strong and they would receive it.

  • The plum line for everything is the love of God.

  • Only the love gives us the clear perception to see things the way they really are.

  • One of the things we can do is freight everything we do with love.

  • You reach into the Father, draw His love, and you send it out.

  • As we come in to this place of recognizing who we are in the Spirit, and then speaking the Word that God puts in our hearts, we're building up the body of Christ.

  • And the atmosphere that you have in these small groups, I would say that you have much more of a tendency to feel God's love, to participate in God's love, and to be God's love to one another.

  • God needs a family. He's wanted a family.

  • And I am so thankful that there is so much participation in these groups, because that's where the life is in the body that participates, where each and every joint speaks, each and every joint gives that which the Lord has given them.

  • ...this is what we're saying, pour out all these things, because Your love is such a manifestation in the earth, and it's so desperately needed.


1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all that you do be done in love.

Psalms 139:14 (The creativity of God in love)

2 Corinthians 5:14-15 For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; 15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised

1 Thessalonians 5:11-18 (Building up one another in love)

Isaiah 61: 1-3 (The Spirit of the Lord upon us)


As we walk on in His family His love controls us. As we continue to speak His Word to one another in His love, we are filled to overflowing and begin to pour out His love to the whole earth.








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Finding God’s Love and Life in His Family

Finding God’s Love and Life in His Family

The Epistles