Get on the Stage w/ Manny Wolfe
All of the public speaking engagements are being canceled due to the virus. But that doesn’t mean other digital events aren’t happening. On today’s episode, Manny Wolfe joined the podcast to discuss an entire process for entrepreneurs to get on stage more. Building a personal brand means you’ll need influence. Nothing is more powerful or builds influence faster than getting on stage.
Getting on stage more is one of the best things you can do for your personal brand. I appreciate Manny Wolfe for joining the show and sharing so many secrets with us. The best piece of advice you can take from this episode is to get specific about one thing. Too many entrepreneurs claim to be speakers about everything and focused on every subject. The more dialed in you are, the better for your brand. Specificity is a key to a beginner success.
We’ve talked a lot about personal branding through public speaking on this podcast. Even with the virus and panic happening right now, businesses and events are still going. Your first few events might be in digital space and that’s fine. Don’t allow anything to slow you down!
Manny Wolfe has a private Facebook group you can check out. It’s paid but it’s definitely worth it.
Your podcast should be generating leads for your business or an additional revenue stream. If it’s not, let’s schedule your Podcast Audit. You can learn more here.