Gwneud Doethuriaeth mewn Pandemic
Dyma ein podlediad Cymraeg cyntaf! Mae'n sgwrs rhwng Alan Kersaudy, myfyriwr o Lydaw, a Jack Pulman-Slater. Myfyriwr doethuriaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ydy Jack, arbenigwr ar gwestiynau goslef ag ynganiad y Gymraeg, a thiwtor Cymraeg cyfeillgar ac angerddol hefyd. Gwnaeth Alan ofyn iddo am y profiad o ysgrifennu traethawd doethuriaeth mewn pandemic, am yr asgogiadau a'i dywysodd ar y ffordd 'ma, ac am ei syniadau ar y gwahanol ddulliau dysgu Cymraeg ar lein ar y pryd...
This is our first Welsh-language podcast, and a conversation between Alan Kersaudy, a Rennes 2 University student and Jack Pulman-Slater, a PhD student in Cardiff University, specialist on the Welsh prosodic system and a friendly and passionate Welsh tutor. In this talk, Alan asked him about the endeavor of making a dissertation during this challenging time, the motivations that guided him on this path, and his thoughts and doubts on the different Welsh self-teaching apps and online tools available out there.
Jack Pulman-Slater (personal website:
Mae'r bennod hon yn y Gymraeg. This episode is in Welsh.
Recordiwyd ym mis Gorffennaf 2021. It was recorded in July 2021.
Mae dolenni a nodiadau ar gael ar ein blog yma. Links and notes also available on our blog here.
Cyfwelydd | Host: Alan Kersaudy
Gwestai | Guest: Jack Pulman-Slater
Cerddoriaeth | Music: “Kesh Jig, Leitrim Fancy” by Sláinte, CC BY-SA 3.0 US (, available from