Having the Ovaries to Follow Your Gifts, an interview with Valerick Molinary
Lisa Zahiya interviews the passionate Valerick Molinary. Valerick Molinary started her bellydance training when she was 13 yrs old in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She had the courage to travel and relocate multiple times to follow her dance dreams. She won several competitions, which allowed her the opportunity to teach and perform around the world. She now uses her platform as a leader in the dance community to bring light to and support new and unknown dancers follow their dreams...
Read more about Valerick here: https://www.valerickmolinary.com/bio
Lisa and Valerick discuss planting seeds and following when you feel in your body that you are in the right place. Valerick talks about her courageous journey following her gifts that led her from Puerto Rico to New York to dancing and teaching around the world. She shares the rewards she found by following her passion, but also some vulnerable brutally dark moments where she felt her passions weren't being appreciated. Despite this she didn't anything discourage her and continues to keep her energy and focus as her gifts bring her into more of a leadership role while honoring her mentors.