DiscoverPay the Farmer, Not the PharmacyHealing food systems known for centuries
Healing food systems known for centuries

Healing food systems known for centuries

Update: 2020-09-14


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The Incas, Mayans, ancient Chinese, Indians, Mediterraneans had long ago figured out that “we are what we eat”, and correspondingly built up a staggering knowledge of plants, nutrition and their impact on our wellness. In many ways scientists today are still playing catch up as they point out goodness of chemicals & molecules in foods through “analysis”, “evidence-based science” and “observation”. 
This newsletter is committed to providing you evidence-based tips that will uncover the magical pharmacy in our kitchens. We love meta studies and peer reviewed articles, but we also hear the voices of our elders speaking to us through the centuries, gently guiding us to be aware that we are what we eat.
Today, we explore 2 ancient but powerful systems, still being practiced, though a mere shadow of their former selves, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda.  There is much to learn. Superfoods are different for different people. There’s logic to seasonal foods, occupation-based diets, stage of life foods, importance of color in foods, personality-based diets etc.

#paythefarmernotthe pharmacy










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Healing food systems known for centuries

Healing food systems known for centuries

Meera & Ashok Vasudevan

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