DiscoverHidden BrainHow To Be Alone
How To Be Alone

How To Be Alone

Update: 2024-07-2249


We're always told to reach for that next ring, work that third job, go to that boisterous party after a long day at work. You only live once ... right? But psychologist Netta Weinstein says that when we constantly engage in achievement and distraction, we lose something essential about ourselves. This week, she makes a case for solitude, and examines what happens when we seek a quieter, more reflective interior life.

If you like today's episode, check out our two-part series on mindfulness:

Seeking Serenity: Part 1

Seeking Serenity: Part 2

Comments (8)

Stephano Gobanza

" she suspended her birthday party " 🤦.... yup sounds like the rhetoric of a lonely person , did she ditch her kid that day ? 🥱🤦

Aug 15th

Stephano Gobanza

one of the worst episodes of Hidden Brain ..... the only one I can think of that was worse was the one where Shankar had pro folks that belive that little girls should have their clits hacked off ( his pro cutting off little girls clits episode) I've listened to his show for years and I ain't making this up . ** I'll probably pass on his show

Aug 15th

Stephano Gobanza

and the experiment they ran was done with people that aren't alone 🤦

Aug 15th

Stephano Gobanza

listening to people that aren't lonely and have never actually been alone makes me physically ill , Shankar's guest ( and Shankar) obviously have lots of friends and colleagues and probably a boy friend and kid too ...... fake loneliness. why can't Shankar have someone on the show that is actually lonely and that isn't a phd doing acemdic research. why can't we have real people talk about loneliness??

Aug 15th

Stephano Gobanza

shockingly stupid.... just ask for help to get the washing machine up the stairs .... it don't matter what country I'm in someone will always help me carry a heavy object up some stairs ( just ask and if there's language barrier then just point at the stairs and the washing machine and smile) ...... she's another soft, wafty, spoiled rotten little brat trying to sell us some bs, in reality she's probably so spoiled and oblivious that she doesn't understand how remarkably stupid she sounds.

Aug 15th

Stephano Gobanza

I find it hard to believe that Netta didn't have a boyfriend.... I'm not buying her lonely story

Aug 15th
Reply (1)

Stephano Gobanza

hmmm this one seems interesting

Aug 15th








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How To Be Alone

How To Be Alone

Hidden Brain Media