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Jewel Hohman Decodes the Science of Meaningful Friendships

Jewel Hohman Decodes the Science of Meaningful Friendships

Update: 2024-08-26


In a captivating exchange, Walt Thiessen and Jewel Hohman delved into the profound realm of human connection, unveiling the science behind the art of friendship. This thought-provoking dialogue shed light on the challenges many face in forging deep, lasting relationships, and the transformative power of understanding the underlying dynamics at play.

Jewel’s personal journey was the catalyst for this insightful discussion. Her own struggles with social anxiety and the lack of meaningful connections in her life led her to embark on a mission to uncover the secrets of friendship. “Truly through struggling with it myself,” Jewel explained, “I always had friends growing up, but I didn’t feel really meaningfully connected to the friends that I did have.”

Walt, too, resonated with this experience, recounting his own challenges in maintaining friendships after college. “When I was in my 20s, they didn’t have this kind of label for it, but I was one of the most shy people on the face of the planet. And literally, I mean, many people actually retained friendships out of college. I didn’t.” This shared struggle created a profound connection between the two, as they recognized the universal nature of this challenge.

At the heart of their discussion was the concept of the “friendship triangle,” a framework Jewel has developed to understand the key elements that foster meaningful connections. “Meaningful moments, consistency, and vulnerability,” she explained, “are the three things practiced over and over and over again in different ways” that form the foundation of lasting friendships.

Walt was particularly intrigued by the role of vulnerability, noting that “it adds up to the word of the day. It’s a word that I find to be overused, but it’s the word of the day. It becomes inauthentic.” Jewel agreed, emphasizing the importance of incremental vulnerability, where individuals “see a little bit more of somebody else and then see a little bit more of you.”

The conversation also delved into the impact of technology on human connections, with Jewel highlighting the concept of “friendship anxiety” – the worry and confusion that can arise from the overexposure to others’ lives on social media. “We’re more connected in such a shallow, loose way, we’re overexposed to each other. So it’s also creating, like, what some people are starting to call literally friendship anxiety, because I heard that term,” she shared.

In response, Walt shared his own insights on the potential of technology to facilitate new connections, while also acknowledging the need for deeper, offline relationships. “There’s also value in the online, because like when I started this podcast. I started it in 2012 and the reason I started it was 2008 with the financial crisis. That crisis wiped out my business, and it wiped out my ex wife’s business, so we were devoid of income and basically starting from scratch, and all the savings was going out the window and going deep into debt and all that kind of stuff. And made a little bit of progress, but by 2012 we were in really bad shape. So I was looking for answers.”

As the conversation drew to a close, Walt expressed his profound gratitude for Jewel’s work, acknowledging the often-overlooked contributions of content creators. “On behalf of those people you’ve never met, never seen, never will meet, never will see, who you’ve been kind putting content out to, and who’ve been benefiting from all that content on their behalf. Thank you for what you’re doing, because you’re making a difference in this world.”

Jewel’s response was one of deep appreciation and humility, highlighting the importance of recognizing the value that others bring to the world. “Thank you. That is so touching. Thank you. You hit right, right to see what I mean. We just overlook this entirely.”

This captivating conversation between Walt and Jewel serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of human connection, and the importance of understanding the science behind the art of friendship. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, their insights offer a roadmap for cultivating meaningful relationships and finding the fulfillment that comes from truly being seen and understood.

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Jewel Hohman Decodes the Science of Meaningful Friendships

Jewel Hohman Decodes the Science of Meaningful Friendships

Walt Thiessen