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Unlocking Financial Abundance: The Money Mindset Mastery of Pericles Rellas

Unlocking Financial Abundance: The Money Mindset Mastery of Pericles Rellas

Update: 2024-08-06


In a captivating conversation, Walt Thiessen and Pericles Rellas delved into the transformative power of money mindset, uncovering the secrets to unlocking financial freedom and fulfillment.

The discussion began with Walt’s personal struggle to overcome the emotional barriers he faced in his marketing efforts. Pericles, a renowned “money master,” offered a profound insight: “It wasn’t your heart that was the block, it was these unconscious or subconscious thoughts from mindset, blocks in the flow of money that impact our ability to have money flow to us abundantly.”
Pericles went on to explain the concept of the “financial thermostat,” a metaphor that resonated deeply with Walt. “Our financial thermostat determines how much money we can earn. It determines how much money we can keep. And it also determines our thoughts, feelings, and emotions around money.” This revelation struck a chord, as Walt recognized the importance of addressing these deep-seated beliefs to truly embrace abundance.

The conversation then shifted to the power of emotions in shaping our financial experiences. Walt shared his personal journey, recounting how he initially believed that his emotional responses were dictated by his experiences, until he realized that he had the ability to control his emotions. “I discovered that I actually can’t control what my response is going to be to a situation, I don’t have to be locked into the default.”

Pericles echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of interrupting old patterns of thought and behavior. “We have to recognize it in the moment. Now, you may not recognize it in the moment, you may recognize it the next day. But that’s a good start. Then the next time you’ll recognize it an hour later. And then the next time you’ll Oh, I’m in it, I got it, I caught it.”
The discussion delved deeper into the concept of generational mindsets and their impact on our financial well-being. Pericles shared a powerful personal story, recounting how a childhood memory of his mother’s belief that “having too much money would make you lose your family” had unconsciously shaped his own relationship with money. By acknowledging and releasing this limiting belief, he experienced a profound shift in his financial abundance.

Walt and Pericles also explored the importance of embracing uncertainty and non-linear growth. “It never goes linear. It’s always whining all over the place,” Walt observed, emphasizing the need to be open to the unexpected and to trust the process of personal transformation.

Towards the end of the conversation, Pericles introduced his free online course, “The Four Keys to Resetting Your Financial Thermostat,” which provides a foundational framework for individuals to take control of their financial destiny. “It’s completely free, all you do is enter your email address, and then you’ve got access to it.”

As the discussion came to a close, Anne-Marie Young, Walt’s co-host, eloquently summarized the key takeaways: “Power and trust. And it’s I think throughout this whole conversation, it’s like, take your power, understand your power, find your power, you can change anything. And by not listening to the little voice in your head, take that power back, you can change it all. And then with the trust is trust the process because you’re absolutely right.”

This captivating conversation serves as a powerful reminder that our financial well-being is intrinsically linked to our mindset, emotions, and beliefs. By embracing the journey of self-discovery, releasing limiting thoughts, and trusting the process, we can unlock our true financial potential and live a life of abundance and fulfillment.

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Unlocking Financial Abundance: The Money Mindset Mastery of Pericles Rellas

Unlocking Financial Abundance: The Money Mindset Mastery of Pericles Rellas

Walt Thiessen