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Laughter: The Unseen Power of Healing

Laughter: The Unseen Power of Healing

Update: 2024-08-20


In a world often consumed by darkness and despair, the power of laughter to transform lives is a beacon of hope that shines brightly. This was the central theme of a captivating conversation between Walt Thiessen and life coach Joel Elston, as they delved into the profound impact humor can have on our emotional well-being, relationships, and even our ability to overcome adversity.

As Walt and Joel exchanged stories and insights, it became clear that laughter is not merely a fleeting moment of amusement, but a profound tool for personal growth and connection. Joel shared his belief that the ability to make a woman laugh is one of the most valuable qualities a man can possess, as it speaks to a deeper understanding and emotional bond.

“Humor is a universal solvent,” Joel explained. “It almost always elevates a mood. It’s contagious, and it can be a way to engage with even the most resistant clients.” He recounted how he would use absurd questions and jokes to break the ice with young clients, ultimately leading to meaningful conversations and breakthroughs.

Walt nodded in agreement, sharing his own experiences of how laughter can be a powerful indicator of what we’re struggling with. “Humor, or the lack of humor, is a great indicator of something that you’re stuck on, that you need to work on, because you can’t laugh at it,” he said.

The conversation took a poignant turn as Joel and Walt explored the role of laughter in overcoming trauma and loss. Joel shared a deeply personal story of how a simple moment of laughter after the death of his son TJ gave him a sense of hope and healing. “Laughter signals to me that there’s hope,” he said. “A belly laugh can raise you five spots in the emotional guidance scale, probably just easily.”

Walt echoed this sentiment, recounting how his sister-in-law, who had recently lost her husband, found solace in sharing stories of their funny moments together. “It just brought out all the happiest memories for her,” Walt said. “Laughter actually became a way to release all of that horrible anxiety that gets built up when you go through a loss like that.”

The discussion also delved into the complexities of using humor in sensitive situations, such as the role of comedians in addressing social issues and the potential for offense when dealing with victims of trauma. Joel emphasized the importance of personal responsibility and the need for individuals to take action in their own healing, while acknowledging the delicate balance of using humor as a tool.

“Victimhood is very dangerous,” Joel said. “It made me powerless. It made me give no option, because nothing was my fault, nothing. So if nothing’s my fault, I can’t fix it.” He shared his own journey of overcoming a victim mentality, using laughter as a way to acknowledge the absurdity of his situation and take steps towards healing.

As the conversation drew to a close, Walt and Joel left a lasting impression – that laughter is not just a fleeting moment of joy, but a powerful catalyst for personal growth, connection, and even healing. Their stories and insights serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, a well-timed chuckle or a shared laugh can be the unexpected pathway to a brighter future.

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Laughter: The Unseen Power of Healing

Laughter: The Unseen Power of Healing

Walt Thiessen