Passive Income Series Part 3: Designing Your Promo Plan to Sell Passive Revenue Products
We've made it to the final installment of the passive revenue series! This episode digs into what you need to understand about promoting passive revenue products so you can start the process of creating a promo plan. We'll dig into email marketing, paid ads, social media, evergreen content platforms, and partnerships so you can get an idea of what might work best for where you're at.
If you haven't already listened to Parts 1 or 2... I highly recommend starting with those first (especially Part 1 so you know what you're getting yourself into)!
Listen to Part 1 HERE
Listen to Part 2 HERE
Quick overview of what we cover:
- The shady side of buying products from passive revenue coaches (that you should NOT do if you create your own passive products)
- Why you want to focus your public promo plan on your top of funnel, then build out an internal ecosystem for cross-promotion
- The importance of understanding your passive product funnel (listen to Part 2 for further reference!)
- The #1 most important component across your entire passive promotion strategy
- How to use automation and tagging in your email marketing to create a more effective promo strategy
- An overview of your paid ads ecosystem across top, middle, and bottom of funnel
- Why volume and audience building is crucial in your organic promo strategy
- Whether to use "active" or "evergreen" content platforms and what they each mean
- How it's easier to borrow influence than create it, and why you should care if you're creating passive products
- The key indicators of creators or business owners who would be ideal affiliates – and how to approach partnership conversations
- Click here to join Sustainable Growth Lab
- Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
- Part 1: The Most Important Things to Know Before You Start (That No One Tells You)
- Part 2: Creating Your Blueprint for a Passive Revenue Model
- Part 3: Designing Your Promo Plan to Sell Passive Revenue Products
- Book a call to work with Soulpreneur to grow your business
- Follow Soulpreneur: @soulpreneur_co
- Follow Adriane @adrianegalea
- Visit the website:
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