Paul Day CEO/Founder of Innovate Tech Charlotte (Technology Visionary)
Today's episode is with Paul Day. Paul is an influential technology speaker, cybersecurity expert, business owner, youth advocate, and innovative emerging technology instructor. He prepares young people to be leaders in technology through his summer camp, afterschool program, and individual private technology sessions. During this episode, Paul blesses us with his high energy, and the unveiling of his assignment that the Divine has given him.
His task is to develop a summer camp and school for high school students. The school will provide students with a hub of innovation. This center of innovation will give the youth the following skills; artificial intelligence, internet of things, quantum computing, innovative leadership, blockchain, python coding, and internet of things. These skills will position them to be leaders entrepreneurs. Thus, creating a possible alternate route to college, certifications, and business ownership that propels them to eradicate generational poverty and create economic mobility.
Powerful Prince Paul talks about the power of purpose and the importance of living your purpose. He explains that he is a visionary who uses his ears to bless others. He talks about his struggles of learning his gift, which he didn’t understand when he was younger. The roles shifted once he got older. The digital era is the age of information that will revolutionize the world.
Instagram: @summertechstars
LinkedIn:Innovate Tech Charlotte