DiscoverBethel Elim ChurchRestoration 291224
Restoration 291224

Restoration 291224

Update: 2025-01-03


Restoration – God’s Plan For You

Key Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18

Is it possible to serve God full on, see personal revival and be healthy? God has a deeper and greater plan for our wellbeing. When there is the presence of God’s kingdom, there is going to be an increase in ‘Shalom’ or wellbeing in every area of our lives.

Shalom’ means? – Peace & wholesomeness.Judges 6:24 Gideon built an alter in Ophrah and named it ‘Ye-hova Shalom’-‘Yahweh our peace’ Literally means: ‘to destroy the authority attached to chaos

Wellbeing wasn’t man’s idea it was God’s and we need to build in patterns or rhythms of replenishment for our wellbeing.

Elijah was physically exhausted, emotionally depleted, spiritually intimidated, relationally isolated.

Developing a Wellbeing Mindset

The whole issue of mindset matters. The key to most issues that we face is due to our mindset or perspective. Usually we are focused on an ungodly lie. But by changing our perspective and focusing on a Bible based truth we can overcome the issue.

Know who you are. Know where you’re at.Know that you can change.

Some people say ‘I am nowhere’ well we can put a break in it and at the same time change our perspective.

Instead of saying I am ‘Nowhere’ You can say ‘I am Now Here’

‘Elijah’ Eli-yah means ‘The Lord is My God’ – personal relationship.

Keep topping up and find out what replenishes you.

Physical Strength

In spiritual terms the spirit is most important but in terms of replenishment terms, God starts from the outside. 1 Kings 19:5b-8

Sleep matters, The right amount of the right kind of food. Don’t worship diet, just be wise. God is the author of the physical body.

Exercise - people like Elijah walked everywhere. Paul said 1 Timothy 4:8 that physical exercise/training is of some benefit.

Emotional Health

In 1 Kings 17 God feeds Elijah by Ravens

Sabbath - Means to stop/ rest.

24 hours every week without failure switch off.

Jewish people would prepare for sabbath.


God calls Elijah to go on a 40-day journey to mount Horeb. 1 Kings 19:8

N.T. we do not have to go to a special mountain because we have the Spirit of God living in us. But we still need to have times that we set apart times away from people but toward God.

Silence and solitude.

Learn what drawing away looks like daily, weekly or seasonally.

Presence of God satisfies like never before.

Spiritual vitality.

Relationships - Connectivity

Elijah has done ministry but in his worst moment he dismissed his servant. 1 Kings 19:10 ,14

Intentional solitude is good but isolation is bad.

God sent Elisha so that Elijah did not have to do ministry alone. Even Jesus in His time of despair in the garden did not want to be alone but called His close disciples to Himself.

Vocational Fruitfulness

Don’t make a decision to pack it all in on a Sunday afternoon.

1 Kings 19:15 Elijah you thought you were done/ finished but you are not. I called you there and I am still calling you to that.

God is more than able to take care of our ministry future, so don’t waste time worrying about it.

Rather than thinking ‘I am nowhere’, put a pause in and say ‘I am now here.’ We can only deal with the moment.


The more we develop our relationship with our Father through the Spirit, the more we experience the positive ‘fruit’ of His presence in our lives: ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, [and] self-control’









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Restoration 291224

Restoration 291224

Ian Anderson

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