DiscoverBethel Elim ChurchThe Father’s Testimony of Jesus In Scripture 031124
The Father’s Testimony of Jesus In Scripture 031124

The Father’s Testimony of Jesus In Scripture 031124

Update: 2024-11-04


  • Jesus also appealed to His Father's testimony through scripture. The same Scriptures many looked to for eternal life John 5:39 a Scriptures which themselves bore witness to Jesus John 5:39 b

  • From Luke 24:44 , we can assume that Jesus had in mind the following scriptures, The Law of Moses, The Psalms and The Prophets Note Jesus' words in John 5:45-47

  • In these scriptures were many prophecies concerning the Messiah. In John's gospel, he records how many of these prophecies bore witness to Jesus as the Messiah.

Prophecies of Moses

  • The Seed of Woman - Genesis 3:15 pointing to a conflict that would exist between Satan and Jesus. This conflict is referred to by Jesus in John 12:31-33; 14:30

  • Jesus' resurrection proved Him to be the fulfilment of this conflict Hebrews 2:14-15

Prophecies By The Prophets

  • The Forerunner - Isaiah 40:3 A reference to one who would prepare people for the coming of the Lord

  • John the Baptiser makes reference to this prophecy John 1:19-23 The work and testimony of John the Baptiser fulfilled this prophecy

The Spirit Coming Upon Him

  • Several prophecies found in Isaiah 11:2; 42:1; 61:1 In which the Spirit was to come upon the Messiah. A fulfilment to which both John the Baptiser and Jesus refer John 1:32-33; 3:34

  • Luke also records how Jesus fulfilled such prophecies Luke 4:16-21

The Rejected Teacher

  • Prophecies related to this are Isaiah 53:1; 6:9,10

  • In which many would not receive the Messiah because of dull hearts

  • John made reference to these passages - John 12:37-41

  • The Jews' rejection of Jesus and His teachings thus fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy

The King’s Entrance

  • Recorded in Zechariah 9:9

  • Israel's king would come to Jerusalem riding on a donkey

  • John records Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem - John 12:12-16

  • Later, His disciples would understand how this fulfilled what was written of the Messiah









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The Father’s Testimony of Jesus In Scripture 031124

The Father’s Testimony of Jesus In Scripture 031124

Ian Anderson

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