DiscoverBethel Elim ChurchThat You May Believe Introduction 220924
That You May Believe Introduction 220924

That You May Believe Introduction 220924

Update: 2024-09-27


The purpose of John writing his gospel is is clearly stated in John 20:30-31 … these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may (will) have life in His name.

The two big intentions then are to create faith in Jesus and in doing so we will have life in His name.

So how does John create faith in his telling of the good news? By Stating claims about Jesus in his opening John 1:1-18

He looks at the life of Jesus, with emphasis on the claims made by Jesus Himself, then presents evidence to back up those claims.

This series is designed with two things in mind, to strengthen our own faith and to create faith in others who have yet to believe.

1.The Relation of Jesus to God v.1-2

Jesus existed before creation ‘In the beginning was the Word’

That word ‘was’ speaks about Him being eternal. Jesus had a face to face relationship with God the Father ‘the Word was with God’

The word ‘with’ implies a personal communion with God

Jesus possessed the full deity of God, He possessed divine being, power and attributes; i.e., Jesus was divine fully God yet fully man.

2.The Relation of Jesus To The Physical World v.3

Jesus was the active agent in creation ‘all things were made through Him, without Him nothing was made that was made’

Jesus made ALL things ‘by Him all things were created...’ - Colossians 1:16

He (God) appointed the heir of all things, through whom (Jesus) also He created the world. Hebrews 1:2

In relation to the physical world, John and other writers proclaim Jesus to be ‘the Creator’.

Jesus Is Victorious Over Darkness

‘the darkness has not overcome (comprehended) it v.5

By believing in Jesus, those in darkness are able to escape and come out John 12:46 Jesus is the ‘true Light’ who gives light to all - John 1:9

So in relation to darkness, John makes the claim that Jesus is "the challenger and victor".

4.The Relation of Jesus To Humanity v.10-13

Jesus was the creator ‘the world was made through Him’. Here the ‘world’ refers to governmental order.

Jesus was the benefactor who was in the world...the world did not know Him

‘He came to His own’ - that is, to His own nation, people (Israel) ‘His own did not receive Him’ - rejected by His nation, even members of His own family were sceptical (until after the resurrection)

‘But as many as received Him’ i.e., ‘to those who believe in His name’ -To them He gave the right to become children of God’

In relation to our humanity Jesus changed our future hope and destiny

5.The Relation of Jesus to The Father vs.14,18

As the Word, Jesus "became flesh" He ‘dwelt’ among us and John and others ‘beheld His glory’ He is ‘the only son of God’

Only Jesus has seen the Father and therefore, only Jesus can reveal the Father by His Holy Spirit.

No one has seen God at any time - Exodus 33:20 ; Johnn 6:46 ; 1 John 4:12  But Jesus the Bible say has declared Him" John 14:9; Matthew 11:27

In relation to the Father, Jesus is the ultimate the definitive ‘revelation’ anyone can have of God in this life. If we want to know the Father we must first know Jesus








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That You May Believe Introduction 220924

That You May Believe Introduction 220924

Ian Anderson