DiscoverFix Your Gut podcastS5: EP 5: The Burnout-Bloat Connection: banish burnout with my 5 Foundational Gut Healing Habits
S5: EP 5: The Burnout-Bloat Connection: banish burnout with my 5 Foundational Gut Healing Habits

S5: EP 5: The Burnout-Bloat Connection: banish burnout with my 5 Foundational Gut Healing Habits

Update: 2024-05-03


Are you bloated no matter what you eat? Exhausted but can't sleep? Losing it on your partner? Heavy, painful periods? Losing your hair? Constant breakouts or getting sick all the time?

It could be burnout, but supplements aren't the answer.

Contrary to what some holistic practitioners say, burnout doesn't come from exhausted adrenal glands, burnout starts in your brain! So let's take a look at how to rewire the brain to tell the body it's safe to relax and restore balance to the gut, and all systems.

In this episode, I share the 5 Foundational Gut Healing Habits to not only recover from burnout, but skyrocket your gut healing, mood and metabolism and get your life back!

(spoiler alert: it doesn't require "clean eating", taking a million supplements or spending thousands of dollars on testing!)

These are the very habits I'll be coaching you through inside the Fix Your Gut App (coming Fall 2024!)

The best part? When you focus on these 5 foundational habits, healthy eating becomes effortless - no willpower required!

Is burnout causing your bloating, brain fog and weight gain? Take my QUIZ!

👉Free guide: 5 Bloat Busting Strategies for Women

Join the Fix Your Gut App waitlist HERE for priority access, early bird pricing and more!

Join the Fix Your Gut Collective support community.

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S5: EP 5: The Burnout-Bloat Connection: banish burnout with my 5 Foundational Gut Healing Habits

S5: EP 5: The Burnout-Bloat Connection: banish burnout with my 5 Foundational Gut Healing Habits

Fix Your Gut podcast