Season 8 Episode 10: Armageddon
Pop quiz: a giant asteroid is hurtling towards Earth and will spell certain doom when it hits! Ignoring the fact that asteroids can't spell, name that movie! Um, is this multiple choice? Kind of...ya see, there were two movies out in 1998 about this imminent threat from some distant space quarry, but I'm going with the bigger, badder, dumber one: Armageddon! Directed (can you call it that?) by Michael Bay! Action and adrenaline aplenty here, along with a hit soundtrack album that I dare say is even better than Dirty Dancing! But, never mind the music...who's gonna save the Earth?!? Destroying this asteroid will take a lot more than just dropping some quarters at the old video arcade! It takes Bruce Willis! Yippee-ki-yay, Meteor Fragment! (sorry...I had to)
Now, while there's still time...listen to this podcast! It ROCKS!