Season 9 Episode 10: X-Men
Nearly a decade before the MCU, and a decade after MC Hammer, Marvel's X-Men stormed onto cinema screens! (See what I did there?) Way cooler than "Super Friends" (or Justice League, if you insist), these mutants had crazy powers and were not all just made up to fight crime and save people. Some of them were bad! They'd fight each other! They all came from Earth, not Krypton or some cave! They had one of the coolest badass characters in any comic book: Wolverine! He's like Clint Eastwood with knives instead of bullets. Playing him instantly made Hugh Jackman a major star. Patrick Stewart's here, too! Not in the Captain's chair, but a wheelchair. With his powerful mind, he can make it GO! There's plenty to geek out about, so here I am revisiting the original trilogy of X-Men movies from 2000-2006. This podcast is so awesome, when you listen to it, you might mutate!