DiscoverThe Copywriter Club PodcastTCC Podcast #404: A Great Practice Resource with Wendy Ann Jones
TCC Podcast #404: A Great Practice Resource with Wendy Ann Jones

TCC Podcast #404: A Great Practice Resource with Wendy Ann Jones

Update: 2024-07-16


To get better at copywriting, you need to practice. But how do you get the right kind of practice (and perhaps a few portfolio samples in the process)? Copywriter Wendy Ann Jones joins us for the 404th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast to share a new resource that helps you get the practice you need. We covered a lot more than that… you’re going to want to stick around for this episode. Click the play button below, or scroll down for a full transcript.


Stuff to check out:

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

The Copywriter’s Workout by Wendy Jones

The Copywriter Club Facebook Group

The Copywriter Underground


Full Transcript:

Rob Marsh: There’s one thing that all writers have in common… that is we write. We write for ourselves and our clients. It’s writing every day that helps us get better at the craft. But if you’re not working with a client, you might be wondering what do I write? How can you use your writing time to create writing samples that read as if they are real and help you get good writing practice? 

Hi, I’m Rob Marsh, one of the founders of The Copywriter Club. And for today’s episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Kira Hug and I talked with copywriter Wendy Ann Jones. Wendy quit a corporate job in order to start her own business, but when it came time to practice, she realized there weren’t a lot of resources out there to help. So she created that resource—a book of practice clients and projects you can use to get better at the craft of writing and perhaps even create a few portfolio samples worth sharing with potential clients. If you’re looking for ways to build your portfolio, you’ll want to listen to what Wendy has to share…

Before we jump in with Wendy…

We have a new gift for you as a listener to The Copywriter Club Podcast. We went through the past 400 episodes of this podcast looking for the ideas that our guests have shared over the past couple of years related to finding clients. We pulled out a bunch of our favorites and compiled them into a new pocket sized guide that will inspire you as you look for ways to attract the right clients to your business. It’s a bit like having a couple dozen of the best copywriters in your pocket advising you on how to find your next client. To get your copy, visit and download this new guide.

And with that, let’s go to our interview with Wendy Ann Jones.

Kira Hug: Hi, Wendy. Let’s just start with your story. How did you end up as a copywriter? OK.

Wendy Ann Jones: So about February 2021 I was really super disillusioned with my job. I was working in corporate and I loved it. I did love it and it was very fast moving, very motivating and then the company took a turn and it was a bit boring. It was a bit boring, a bit dull, and there wasn’t anything to learn. And I’m quite a lifelong learner. I’m always obsessed with learning things and like to be occupied and busy. And I was also going through the start of the perimenopause, which, you know, I’m sure a lot of women, women similar age to me will be like, yeah, nodding their heads. And I kind of thought, oh, I need to change, to do something different. I found a copywriting ad. It popped up on my Facebook, and it was like, oh, would you like to work the hours you want to work? And would you like to live wherever you want? And would you like to, you know, all these things? And I was like, yes, yes, that’s exactly what I want. Yes, please. Yes, yes. And I’ve said this a few times before, but it was just that hook was my introduction to copywriting, right? Because it was like they were talking. exactly to me at the time that I needed them and I went on to like a free webinar it’s like a five-day little mini training course and I loved it and then I signed on straight away obviously for a full-on copywriting course there and then and yeah just took part in that and obviously the key to that was find yourself a client and And you kind of do a big gulp at that point when they say, oh, you need to find a client pretty much straight away. And you’re like, oh, can I do that? But I was lucky. I had a couple of people I knew that were business owners who agreed to let me write some website copy for them. And that’s how I got started, really. And that was, yeah, that was back in 2021. Early 22, I went into my business full time, quit my corporate job, took a big deep breath. and jumped in and I’ve been doing that ever since.

Rob Marsh: So as you started to build your business, you know, those first clients that are people that you know, sometimes those are the easy ones. And in what I’ve seen with the copywriters that we’ve coached, even in my own experience, that first initial transfer of clients dries up pretty quickly. So how did you take the next step from the business owners that you know, and move into other clients that maybe were outside of that immediate circle.

Wendy Ann Jones: Okay. So the first thing I did was a complete leap of faith. I went on to LinkedIn, which I’d got about 10 followers from my corporate job. and kind of redid my profile. I don’t even want to look at what that looks like now when I go back, but made it look like something. And I saw someone advertising for an actual full-time copywriter. And I thought, well, I don’t want that. I’ve just come out of a full-time job. But I dropped them a message and said, do you work with freelancers at all? And they said, yeah. And I went, oh. And then he sent me a document like, oh, can you write this test document thing? And it was writing articles, actually, so it wasn’t pure copy. It was more article writing. But they said, can you write this? And it was a mock-up. They were never going to use it. And then he came back and said, yeah, great. And they ended up being my first client. I worked for them for three years, pretty much every week for three years. So that was my first jump in. 

Then I thought, oh, this LinkedIn thing might not be too bad. And that’s when I started kind of trying to post on LinkedIn and engage with people a little bit. And that in truth, that’s probably where most of my clients came from, was that. So yeah, it’s harder now on LinkedIn because there’s more and more people at that time, two years ago. It wasn’t so competitive in the copywriting arena. There weren’t so many people using it. I see a lot of people now jumping onto LinkedIn that I knew as copywriters before, but they were using different platforms and they’re all coming across now. So it’s very, very competitive now. So it is about finding new strategies and just keep reinventing yourself really, isn’t it? Keep looking out and seeing what else you can do.

Kira Hug: Yeah, it is amazing how quickly it changes, right? Where LinkedIn’s working, you kind of stand out and then two years later, it’s so competitive. So what is working now or how do you think about reinventing yourself? You know, maybe there’s a way to think about it that could work on any platform that starts to become crowded.


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TCC Podcast #404: A Great Practice Resource with Wendy Ann Jones

TCC Podcast #404: A Great Practice Resource with Wendy Ann Jones

Kira Hug and Rob Marsh